Решение с официального форума программы по автоматизации распознования капчи:
Possible solutions for "reCaptcha" captchas
1.ocrhood.gazcad.com - The Turkish solution
General information:
ocrhood is a social system where people can solve captchas for others, earn credits with that and then let other people solve their captchas.
The difference is here that you can't pay for anything, it's 100% free.
JD integration:
1.Download the installer here: ocrhood.gazcad.com/download.aspx
The install process should be self explaining!
2.Now you need an ocrhood account.
You can either make a new one using the programm or if you already have logindata, just insert them in the programm.
3.After adding the account you can now collect points for solving captchas for others and then spend them to let others solve your captchas.
The point-rates for every wrong or successfully solved captcha and every captcha entered for you may change.
Also note that this is NOT a solution made by the official JD team so if you have any problems, please contact lelim, he made the system!
The user Density made an external JD method for the deathbycaptcha service for JD.
General information:
ocrhood is a system where people can solve captchas for others, earn credits with that and then let other people solve their captchas.
You can also pay for credits which can then be used to solve captchas.
JD integration:
1) Download http://www.anonym.to/?http://bit.ly/Ojv3nQ & extract the files.
2) Copy the dbc folder to your capcha folder [Your JD installfolder]\jd\captcha\methods\
3) Open the dbc.xml & add your username, password for DeathByCaptha.com
4) Add the hosts you want to external captcha support (to the jacinfo.xml).
5) Restart JDownloader.
If you have any questions about this plugin please ask in the deathbycaptcha.com JD plugin Support Thread
3.Other captcha solving services
GreeZ DwD, ManiacMansion & pspzockerscene