A1iGAt0R Цитата: А не посоветуете ничего по 2му вопросу? Как копировать закладки?
как таковой функции копирования закладок нет - но кто мешает скопировать адрес закладки и создать новую в нужном месте?
Добавлено: Интересные новости со вчерашней онлайн-конференции Ambassadors (представителей Maxthon на локальных рынках) - под катом цитаты Карла Мэттсона (директор Maxthon International, USA, California) о том, куда движется Maxthon в ближайшем будущем и что нас всех ждет
Все по-английски, кто не шпрехен - юзайте гугль-транслэйт.
[more=Читать здесь]Right now the team in Beijing is working on 3 new major products: the first is to port over functionality from MX2 to MX3 including skins, plug-ins, zoom, etc... basically we all know that MX3 does not have feature parity with others in its class right now...and that some great features from MX2 need to be ported. So that's going on right now.
Now, this offers all of us -- especially you (речь идёт об Ambassadors) -- the opportunity to improve existing features.
maxthon_product: next big project is what we're calling an Apps platform - the future is apps and different connectivity to the web - phones, devices, tablets, etc... But they all have one thing in common -- they all require a browser in one form or another - so...maxthon has embarked on a project to build out an android/chrome -based application layer that uses Maxthon's Passport system AND integrates 3rd party social 'graph' information.
the goal is to create an environment that makes it easy for Maxthon AND, eventually, outside engineers, to create apps/plug-ins that work on Maxthon via desktop or phone...or whatever new connected device arrives. one way to think of these apps is plug-ins on steroids that will also be able to stand alone. this is ambitious project, we're excited about it and we're bringing in some heavy hitters in the form of computer scientists to build out a bullet-proof backend that scales.
project # 3 is building out new features for the browser itself and making MX3 more localized at the country level. and that is a big place where we want to collaborate with you all. we're definitely going to be more than a browser in the coming years. So hold tight! It's going to be an interesting ride. We'll get Jeff into one of these meetings to hear the full story - he can describe his vision far better than I can.
Localized landing pages and languages with content and look/feel and focus that is driven by those of you who want to have a say so about it. though, how we personalize that is yet to be determined. IE -- the user experience. We'll probably have to sequence it to start small and then get bigger.
Также было сказано, что:
maxthon hosts all international product and cloud services OUTSIDE Of china now and will be doing so in the future.[/more]
Если в общем - то все хорошо
скоро портируют фичи М2 на М3 - но не все
решают щас, какие переносить, а какие нет, для того и опрос на survey и на форуме. Хотят также делать локализованные стартовые страницы для пользователей из разных стран, Россия одна из приоритетных + сервисы и т.д. Ну и о том, что браузер нужен всем и всегда, все онлайн-приложения через него, и думки как этот пирог откусить покрупнее
даже об андроид-приложениях речь, в общем читайте, кому интересно.