New Version Available: [more=This release contains the following bug fixes and feature enhancements:]
Feature: Added 4 new items to the System.GetOSVersionInfo action - "Server2003R2", "XPMediaCenterEdition", "StarterEdition", "TabletPCEdition".
Feature: Added new Web.SetSilent and Web.IsSilent actions.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the spell checker would not work properly if the text being checked was longer then 1000 characters.
Fix: Fixed a bug where flat Dialogs would incorrectly display a border.
Fix: Fixed a bug where loading files on the On Movie End event of a QuickTime object would cause a crash.
Fix: Fixed a bug where importing Autoplay Media Studio 7.0 projects could sometimes be very very slow.
Fix: Fixed a bug in the RadioButton.SetProperties action where the FontScript value was not being set properly.
Fix: Fixed a bug in the MSI.GetFileVersion action where improper results were being returned.
Fix: Made it so that the import .REG file option would insert the text at the current carat position in the code editor.
Fix: Fixed a redraw error in the xButton object where it would sometimes remain "hot" when it should not.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the custom mask for Pages and Dialogs would sometimes be incorrectly sized.
Fix: Fixed a bug where Button objects created in the disabled state using Page.CreateObject would not be drawn properly.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the CVS file specified for Grid objects would not work if the resource directory was renamed at build-time.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the constraints for a few Crypto actions were incorrect.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the Page.CreateObject action didn't work for the PDF object.
Fix: Fixed a bug where renaming an object in the Project Explorer pane did not enable the project's modified state.
Fix: Fixed a bug in the Math.HexColorToNumber's actions XML where the default parameter was not a string.
Fix: Fixed a bug in the RichText.GetProperties action where the "Transparent" table value was returning a number instead of a boolean value.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the Auto-Resize options and the SetPos actions would cause objects to dissapear when performed on a resizable dialog.
Fix: Fixed an incorrect status text for File > Save As.
Fix: Fixed a bug where dragging and dropping an image onto the background was not enabling the "Use custom settings" checkbox.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the minimim size for pages and dialogs was not taking into account the border and title bars.
Fix: Fixed a crash that would happen sometimes when the Personal Edition was closed and Web objects still had content running.
Fix: Fixed a bug where if the recent docs history is disabled, the design environment would crash on startup.
Fix: Fixed a problem where certain flash files inside of a Web object could cause crashes when exiting a skinned runtime.
Fix: Fixed a bug where showing and hiding a menu on a skinned runtime would not work properly.
Fix: Fixed a problem where images loaded into the XAML on xButtons would sometimes disappear when the xButton was resized in the design environment.
Fix: Fixed a bug where quick actions weren't being processed in resource optimization.
Fix: Fixed a bug where Plugin objects could cause problems when using callback functions on the On Preload event.
Fix: Fixed a problem where the program would occassionally hang during resource optimization (with an "Encountered an improper argument" error on Windows 7).
Fix: Fixed an occassional crashing bug when opening projects in the personal edition.