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открываю редакторм фаил bootres.dll в секцию RCData и все зависаетУ меня тоже зависает.
а почему?Возможно из-за большого размера ресурса - ~2мб. В этих двух мегабайтах сидит BMP на двенадцать мегабайт - может если подождать полчасика, то Resource Hacker "отвиснет"...
This is a patcher that needs to be used on the original Resource Hacker
What does the patcher change:
1. Partial Unicode support.
2. A new interface with modern icons and a manifest.
Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane:
3. Resource Hacker FX does not create tree nodes for every language.
Usually only one language is used anyway, so it makes it much faster to
navigate through resources.
4. Resource Hacker FX uses the new open and save common dialogs instead
of the old outdated ones. Also, some saving as parameters got improved:
the directory of the current file is initially shown, the file name gets
filled, the extension is automatically added if not specified.
5. If you have a modified file open and you close Resource Hacker FX,
you have a Cancel option when asked whether you would like to save the
file. Also, if you choose to save it, it just gets saved instead of
saving as.
6. The Hex viewer shows only the first 10 KB of the binary resource by
default to prevent hanging Resource Hacker FX. I could not really fix
it, as it's the Rich Edit control's fault, it's quite slow with large
texts. Well, it's not too smart to use Rich Edit to view a Hex dump, but
that's how it works. 10 KB should be usually enough to understand what
the resource is about. If it isn't, you can hold shift to load the whole
7. Some smaller stuff, like e.g. double click to replace resource,
minimizing/maximizing effects, crash fixes.
Resource Hacker FXer v1.4.5 ставится на русскую сборку ?
PS: Русская версия оригинального Resource Hacker с включенными исправлениями от версии FX
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Resource Hacker\\reshackerFX.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Resource Hacker\\reshackerFX.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Resource Hacker\\reshackerFX.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Resource Hacker\\reshackerFX.exe\" \"%1\""
Русская версия Resource Hacker FX 1.49
Что посоветуете?
Странно но после распаковки (создала *.exe), прога Resource Hacker, Restorator - не читают содержимое а Radilax 3, LikeRusXP без проблем!
хватало Resource Binder
Предыдущая тема: NetCaptor 6.5.0 и 98lite Pro