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ты это чего? прикололся или от нечего делать?
ты это чего? прикололся или от нечего делать?
The final version of jv16 PowerTools 1.1 will be released in the next Monday, 28.10.2002
This will most likely be the last release of the 1.1.x series. I will now move my focus to version 1.2, it will have a lot of cool new features but the list of new features will remain secret for now. The 1.2 will be released within a month or two. There will be some kind of beta testing period before the actual release, the beta versions will be distributed in my forum
It seems that the is pretty good release. There are a few small cosmetic bugs and some stability issues but nothing big.
I have now coded the new version 1.2 for a few days now and it seems to go on quite well. As I have said before, the list of new features will remain secret for now. But I can say that the improvements are mainly small things but there will also be some huge improvements to few parts of the program. The final version of the version 1.2 will be released within a month or two, everything really depends about my school, the more I have to do school stuff the less I have time to code.
The beta testing of version 1.2 will be done in two periods. First there will be a very small scale private alpha testing, this starts within a few days. After some time there will also be a public beta testing period. I will post the beta versions only to my forum and the final version of 1.1 will remain as the primary download in this page as long as the 1.2 is in its beta stage.
I need a few good alpha testers. If you have a few computers (real or virtual machines) and you are willing to wreck them in the name of science (hah!) or just want to reinstall your windows after testing my totally new alpha stage registry cleaner. Or, if you had problems with the ActiveX / COM scanner in some beta version of jv16 PowerTools 1.1 contact me and maybe you can do some alpha testing.
Last update: 24.11.2002 , 10:47 AM (GMT +2)
RC 1
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