gryu Цена-то ей была 1 рубль, с работы шёл. Малый с ней весь день бегал. Хотел 3000, а получил 1. Я её в общем-то под стенд или на детали брал.
Добре, с офтопом - стоп.
По делу: поставил у себя бету 2 - работает чётко, руский язык встал с ходу только выбрал его как системный установки. Переключатели раскладки клавиатуры на выбор, любые. Читает практически всё кроме .CHM - ну тут нужен порт смотрелки. "Ошибка" буквой "б" в Опере - просто опечатка переводчика - он использовал рукописную "б". Просто забавно выглядит, терпеть можно. Опера 9.52 из PBI единственная кто смотрит формат .MTH, .CHM не смотрит пока никто. NTFS смотрится на чтение без вопросов, можно запускать с неё софт. OpenGL отлажена не плохо, работает заметно быстрее чем на старой версии. Особенности дистрибутива - режим
Обновление в
Установке видимо блокирован, у меня он не активировался когда после отключения NTFS диска из-за сбоев звука я решил проверить возможность Обновления.
И в дополнение, по поводу
русской PC-BSD - я [more=посмотрел её планы авторов]
Близится выход PC-BSD-RU 7.0 Опубликовано MelkorBSD в Сб, 31/05/2008 - 13:02.
PC-BSD-RU 7.0 планируется выпустить в июле 2008 года.
За ходом разработки следить в
Планы с багтрекера: === PC-BSD-RU ===
План работ для версии 7.0
90% из 27 задач(-и) завершены (-ные). 4 задач открыто:
FS#8 - VPN-конфигуратор
FS#23 - Перевод краткого руководства на Русский
FS#17 - Обновление PC-BSD-RU
FS#38 - Чтобы работало
План работ для версии 7.1
0% из 8 задач(-и) завершены (-ные). 8 задач открыто:
FS#4 - Редактор разделов
FS#6 - Настройки сети
FS#12 - Средство резервирования/восстановления
FS#13 - Поддержка программного RAID
FS#15 - Миграция с Windows
FS#16 - Windows WiFi-driver GUI
FS#28 - Легковесное окружение
FS#29 - Сохранение скачиваемых обновлений
План работ для версии 7.2
0% из 1 задач(-и) завершены (-ные). 1 задач открыто:
FS#3 - KDE 4[/more]
на их сервере. Так вот, релиз 7.0 был обещан ещё в июне, но был в итоге отложен на "пару недель".

Никаких эмоций, только факты.
[more=Testing Digest, Vol 20, Issue 28]
Testing Digest, Vol 20, Issue 28
Thu, 11 Sep 2008 05:04:57 -0700
Today's Topics:
1. PCBSD Beta 2 Much Improved - A few suggestions. (Ian Robinson)
2. beta1 - printing (brian)
3. beta1 - printing (brian)
4. Re: PCBSD Beta 2 Much Improved - A few suggestions. (DragonFlier)
5. Re: beta1 - printing (DragonFlier)
6. Re: 256Mb installation of PC-BSD 7 (DragonFlier)
7. Re: scanning (A.Y.)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 18:17:12 -0400
Subject: [PC-BSD Testing] PCBSD Beta 2 Much Improved - A few suggestions.
This is a report on PCBSD Beta 2.
1. Minor Bug Crashes Konqueror:
While using Konqueror and after (1) selecting the "Applications"
choice from the introductory screen, and (2) selecting the choice to
view "details," Konqueror crashes and causes a Signal 6 (SIGABRT)
when clicking on the "+" sign to expand the list. This is action is
repeatable 100% of the time.
Instead of clicking the "+" sign, it is possible to click an
application category and cause the list to expand one level. You can
click to display the second level, but no listing appears. For
example, the category "Education" expands to subcategories of
Language, Math, Misc. and Science. Misc. should expand to Blinkin,
EPE, Geography, and TTT, but does not.
In contrast to Konqueror's behavior while viewing Applications, its
behavior when viewing directory listings is without problems.
2. Suggestion -- add a File Manager Super User option to the Menu
I miss having a "super user" file manager choice on the menu like you
provided in PCBSD 1.x. Nor am I able to invoke #kdesu konqueror or
#kdesu dolphin to get there. Here is the sample report from a failed
pcbsd# konqueror
Xlib: connection ot ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
kdesu: cannot connect to X server :0.0
While one can still use the command line to cp, rm, rmdir, etc.,
having the graphic interface makes some things much easier with long,
awkward, or bizarre file names, or file names with spaces in them,
makes it easier to edit with the convenience of a graphic text editor,
and makes it easier to otherwise manipulate files and directories as
root. Thus I'm making the suggestion to add the super user file
viewer function back on the menu.
3. Find Function Broken & Suggestion to Make It a Stand-alone Entry
on the Menu.
The "find" function built into Dolphin and Konqueror does not work. I
miss the "find" function that used to be on the menu in PCBSD 1.x.
4. Multimedia Plays Video Files with Yellow Cast.
After installation, the using multimedia video on my ACER portable [P4
@1.5Ghz, built-in Intel Centrino sound, video, and wifi chips] gave
mpg, avi, and wmv files a distinctive and disturbing yellowish cast
that is not evident when using other applications. It had never been
present when using XP, or when using PCBSD releases prior to PCBSD
Beta. The video chip is an Intel 855 and I am using the "Intel"
driver (not 3D enabled). The screen is the matte LCD with the best
resolution of 1024 x 780. Rebooting into PCBSD did not solve this
problem, but rebooting into XP where the videos had the "correct"
colors and then rebooting back to PCBSD fixed the problem. That makes
no sense.
Note to self -- Employer needs to replace my computer with a nice
multi-core P4, 4 Gb RAM, 17" bright screen display, large hard disk,
5. Beta Makes Great Impression.
Otherwise things are working impressively great. The speed
improvement is fabulous as noted by others, Dolphin has not crashed on
me, and my ACER portable is functioning well other than the multimedia
viewing mentioned above.
6. Congratulations and Thanks for the Hard Work.
Once again Kris and the PCBSD Development Team has done a fabulous job
putting the desktop operating system together. I am amazed at how
responsive Kris and the team are to fixing bugs quickly, incorporating
suggestions, and improving the product. It takes so much time that
all of them must be working 12+ hours a day. We are all deeply
grateful for your labors.
Ian Robinson
Salem, Ohio
Message: 2
Subject: [PC-BSD Testing] beta1 - printing
Thanks a million Kris , I'll give it a try and get back to you .
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 01:14:14 -0300
The updated hplip port installed fine . My printer is still not listed
in the print manager, even though the f2110 is listed on the hplip web
page as being supported . Very strange .
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:18:51 -0700
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Ian Robinson:
> > This is a report on PCBSD Beta 2.
> >
> > 1. Minor Bug Crashes Konqueror:
> >
> > While using Konqueror and after (1) selecting the "Applications"
> > choice from the introductory screen, and (2) selecting the choice to
> > view "details," Konqueror crashes and causes a Signal 6 (SIGABRT)
> > when clicking on the "+" sign to expand the list. This is action is
> > repeatable 100% of the time.
> >
> > Instead of clicking the "+" sign, it is possible to click an
> > application category and cause the list to expand one level. You can
> > click to display the second level, but no listing appears. For
> > example, the category "Education" expands to subcategories of
> > Language, Math, Misc. and Science. Misc. should expand to Blinkin,
> > EPE, Geography, and TTT, but does not.
> >
> > In contrast to Konqueror's behavior while viewing Applications, its
> > behavior when viewing directory listings is without problems.
> >
> > 2. Suggestion -- add a File Manager Super User option to the Menu
> >
> > I miss having a "super user" file manager choice on the menu like you
> > provided in PCBSD 1.x. Nor am I able to invoke #kdesu konqueror or
> > #kdesu dolphin to get there. Here is the sample report from a failed
> > attempt:
> >
> > pcbsd# konqueror
> > Xlib: connection ot ":0.0" refused by server
> > Xlib: No protocol specified
> > kdesu: cannot connect to X server :0.0
> > pcbsd#
> >
> > While one can still use the command line to cp, rm, rmdir, etc.,
> > having the graphic interface makes some things much easier with long,
> > awkward, or bizarre file names, or file names with spaces in them,
> > makes it easier to edit with the convenience of a graphic text editor,
> > and makes it easier to otherwise manipulate files and directories as
> > root. Thus I'm making the suggestion to add the super user file
> > viewer function back on the menu.
> >
> > 3. Find Function Broken & Suggestion to Make It a Stand-alone Entry
> > on the Menu.
> >
> > The "find" function built into Dolphin and Konqueror does not work. I
> > miss the "find" function that used to be on the menu in PCBSD 1.x.
> >
Start button, Applications, Find Files & Folders
> >
> > 4. Multimedia Plays Video Files with Yellow Cast.
> >
> > After installation, the using multimedia video on my ACER portable [P4
> > @1.5Ghz, built-in Intel Centrino sound, video, and wifi chips] gave
> > mpg, avi, and wmv files a distinctive and disturbing yellowish cast
> > that is not evident when using other applications. It had never been
> > present when using XP, or when using PCBSD releases prior to PCBSD
> > Beta. The video chip is an Intel 855 and I am using the "Intel"
> > driver (not 3D enabled). The screen is the matte LCD with the best
> > resolution of 1024 x 780. Rebooting into PCBSD did not solve this
> > problem, but rebooting into XP where the videos had the "correct"
> > colors and then rebooting back to PCBSD fixed the problem. That makes
> > no sense.
> >
> > Note to self -- Employer needs to replace my computer with a nice
> > multi-core P4, 4 Gb RAM, 17" bright screen display, large hard disk,
> > etc.
> >
> > 5. Beta Makes Great Impression.
> >
> > Otherwise things are working impressively great. The speed
> > improvement is fabulous as noted by others, Dolphin has not crashed on
> > me, and my ACER portable is functioning well other than the multimedia
> > viewing mentioned above.
> >
> > 6. Congratulations and Thanks for the Hard Work.
> >
> > Once again Kris and the PCBSD Development Team has done a fabulous job
> > putting the desktop operating system together. I am amazed at how
> > responsive Kris and the team are to fixing bugs quickly, incorporating
> > suggestions, and improving the product. It takes so much time that
> > all of them must be working 12+ hours a day. We are all deeply
> > grateful for your labors.
> >
> > Ian Robinson
> > Salem, Ohio
> >
Drache - is still walking above ground and traveling between eternities
Message: 5 Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:21:35 -0700
I have an F380 but it only allows (last time I looked) to install as
an F300, maybe something similar for you. On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at
9:14 PM, brian wrote:
> > The updated hplip port installed fine . My printer is still not listed
> > in the print manager, even though the f2110 is listed on the hplip web
> > page as being supported . Very strange .
> >
Message: 6 Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:24:24 -0700 From: DragonFlier
I have a customer with a borked old HP with Win2k and no install disk.
I told him if he was interested I would install the release of PCBSD7
on it. Once this version is released I'll see if he wants to do that
and if so, let you know how it goes. On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:33 PM,
Robinson Jorge wrote:
> > Is really possible install PC-BSD 7-beta1 with 256 MB of RAM?
> >
Hello guys! I've found at the interet linux drivers for HP Scaner
Scanjet 2400 (which is said unsupported at sane site). The driver
include some EULA from HP, and drivre in binary format; and archive
including modified The driver is here: There are readme
too. So, could anyone make a PBI with all required linux libs, sane-
frontends and these files? Or just maybe look at it, and co-operate
with me to build such PBI? I saw at pcbsd forum three users have same
scaners, no one couldn't make it work, or find something in internet.
I have this scanner too, and this model is pretty wide known. Thanks.[/more]