Официальный сайт (на китайском языке) | магазин расширений (китайский) | темы (на китайском языке)
В последнее время офсайт обновляется нечасто, оттого там могут быть ссылки на не самые последние версии, для проверки новых версий см. тему на оффоруме ниже.
360 Extreme Explorer
(Встречается название - 360Chrome (по имени исполнимого файла), у китайцев он же называется 360 Speed Browser)
Китайская версия, интерфейс переведен на английский не полностью, в настройках языка только Английский и Китайский, синхронизация с 360 Account [more=как зарегистрировать аккаунт]
1. Установить браузер 360 Secure Browser (с зелёным значком IE). (Примечание - для постоянной работы непригоден ввиду почти сплошной китаизации).
Можно использовать его портабельную сборку 7.3.0 или 8.1.1, дабы не загаживать систему.
2. В его окошке аккаунта нужно ввести почту и два раза пароль. Даже без перевода понятно.
Совет предоставлен Weeter.[/more] в картинках
оффорум (на китайском языке) | тема финальной версии 8.5 | тема финальной версии 8.7
[more=Основные возможности:]• настраиваемое положение панели вкладок - обычное хромовое, "классический" вариант - под панелями и строкой адреса (единственный хромоклон из широко распространенных, еще есть настраиваемое только скинами в UC Browser, и малопригодные для не-китайского пользователя чисто китайские одноязычные браузеры), снизу
• расширения все в одном процессе (экономия памяти)
• Boss Key, через систему клавиш, Ctrl-Q по умолчанию + отключение звука в этом режиме
• быстрое восстановление ранее закрытых вкладок
• настраиваемое поведение вкладок, включая запрос при закрытии браузера с несколькими вкладками и настройку поведения при закрытии последней вкладки
• настраиваемые жесты мыши
• собственные настройки прокси в виде адрес:порт@тип_прокси(http,socks, etc.)#имя_прокси (отображаемое затем в меню выбора прокси), с оптимизацией скорости
• всплывающие кнопки инструментов над видео (открепление и полный экран) и текстом (копирование в буфер и поиск фразы)
• задание папки для размещения кэша
• настраиваемое ускорение (очистка памяти и кэша, предобработка ссылок, prefetching) с всплывающим уведомлением о превышении разумных пределов наполняемости памяти и кэша
• два движка рендеринга: на основе Webkit и IE (включая режим Edge под Win10) с возможностью включения каждого движка по отдельности
• собственный менеджер закачек на основе MiniThunder
• поддержка как расширений от Chrome Web Store, так и из своего китайского магазина
• собственные темы оформления, поддерживающие нестандартное расположение панели вкладок
• раздельная адресная строка и строка поиска
• генератор QR кодов
• очистка данных при выходе
• увеличение изображений (для китайских сайтов)
• встроенный блокировщик рекламы Ad Filter (с собственным форматом, несовместимый с подписками ABP, в основном для китайских сайтов)
• фильтрация фишинговых и вредоносных URL-ссылок (в основном для китайских сайтов)[/more]
Постоянная ссылка на последнюю официальную финальную версию линейка 8.7
Последняя версия 8.7 линейки на Chromium 50.0.2661.102 финал работает на XP/Vista и поддерживает NPAPI
Последняя версия 8.5 линейки на Chromium 45.0.2454.101 предыдущий финал
[more=Последние изменения версии 8.7 на английском, перевод Google]
2016.09.12 ( New!
Fix crash
Optimize the support for win10 Edge
Address bar card function optimization
Download solve duplicate file names did not rename the problem
Clear your browser fixes a few bug traces
Several bug fixes Password Form
Add to Favorites support enter key to confirm and support the ctrl key to add multiple favorites
2016.08.19 (
Repair some cases, failed to print in the browser issues
Fixes problems in the latest version win10, Edge can not import your browser favorites
Repair replace the wallpaper, the tab bar and in between there is a navigation bar
Fixes several crashes
2016.08.12 (
Add a single-label Mute function
Enhance Home Security
Fixes several crashes
2016.07.29 (
Repair the latest version of the win10 several bug
Repair a page crashes
When the system uses a high-contrast theme, start the browser speed is no longer special tips
Repair password form several bug
2016.07.15 (
Repair some sites in IE mode login failure problems
Right-repair in the pictures - reload image, the point did not respond question
Address bar: when repair using Chinese input, may not show the drop-down recommended
A list of questions several repair functions bug
Password form history: when multiple open history page from the head panel, just open a tab
Mouse gestures: repair in some environments, display abnormal use mouse gestures question
Error pages: error pages after repair cut nuclear, address bar icon is displayed incorrectly cut nuclear issues
2016.07.01 (
Fix a few crashes
Optimize password form function, can not solve some problems on the site of the bomb
Repair mouse gesture to display the context menu when the failure problem
Repair ad filtering in some cases intercept failure problem
2016.06.16 (
Repair crash
Optimize "Import / Export Favorites" and "import settings from other browsers" function
Password form function optimization, solve the compatibility problems on some sites
Fix the part of the skin, bug interface
2016.06.06 (
Slightly upgrade the kernel to 50.0.2661.102
Password form functionality optimized to enhance the filling rate
Video widget function optimization, repair using some web video player widget unusual problems
Incomplete problem, save the page as image optimization features, fixes some cases to save the page image, and in some cases saved image larger problem
Repair multiple skins, display-related bug
Several other bug fixes
2016.05.27 (
Fix a few crashes, improve stability
Repair the skin, this screen some of bug
Password form function optimization, solve the bomb can not automatically part of the site on the yellow bar or automatic filling problems
Pin tab function optimization, solve some cases a fixed tab can not be saved, or to save the wrong question
Repair Weibo sharing function in question can not be used
Repair win10 system, the address bar the word relatively small problem
Several other bug fixes
2016.05.19 (
Repair title is too long, blocking skin button issue
Repair some cases, the link will automatically open the picture fast to save the image problem
Repair Options page Advanced Settings - Internet content - content settings, the microphone option displays the problem is not normal
Repair chrome://bookmarks button on the top right of the page style is not the right questions
Repair Netease cloud music can not drag the progress of the problem, prohibit the use of new media caching mechanism
Repair IE History can not import problems
Repair system under win10 change the system font size cause problems exception browser display
Repair under chrome classic skin, after fixing tabs, tab bar title display abnormal problems
Repair blue Yuet skin, the label width smaller problems
Repair check after "Open the address bar enter the URL in a new tab" in the address bar, right-click "Paste and Search" does not open in a new tab
Repair the problem blank page, right click on Encoding and IE browser style different problems
Repair the several crashes, stuck
Performance is optimized to improve the browser speed and stability
2016.05.13 (
kernel upgrade to 50.0.2661.94
fix known problems, improve the stability of the browser
The kernel function code optimization, improve the response speed[/more]
[more=Последние изменения версии 8.5 на английском, перевод Google]
2016.06.24 ( New
Password form function optimization, repair a number of bug.
Video widget functionality optimize, repair, display abnormal when playing on some site issues.
The download function optimization
Crash repair
Repair in compatibility mode quickly save the picture, it will open the linked problem
Repair several errors Copywriter
Abnormal display problems while repairing visit a page
Some invisible bug fixes
2016.05.25 (
Ad filtering optimization
Download function optimization
Password form function optimization, can not automatically solve some shells on the yellow bar or website Autocomplete problems
Modify the lower portion of skin, browser display issues head abnormalities
2016.04.22 (
Enhanced Extended Security function
Optimization download
Repair some cases, a small video window display is not normal after the full-screen problem
Repair stuck
Search function bug fixes
Repair some cases, https sites not open issues
2016.03.30 (
Fix a bug mouse gestures
Repair new microblogging can not use a magnifying glass image problem
Repair Crash
Repair stuck
Optimization download
2016.03.02 (
Browser Doctor update, support for displaying multiple announcements;
Repair open boss key when the trumpet to open failure problem;
Repair after Value Options page zoom settings page, on a single page ctrl + 0, restore the zoom function failure problem;
Repair the mute button state wrong question;
Set the minimum font repair invalid problem;
Switch to the kernel ie, speed closed engine developer tools;
Repair BUG and loopholes.
2016.02.02 (
New Tab page updates
Fix bug
2016.01.22 (
Fix crash
2016.01.12 (
Optimization feature
Enhanced Extended Security
Repair win 10 related bug
Repair collapse
2015.12.25 (
Repair the address bar, word search and other functions related bug
Fix crashes, enhance stability
2015.12.09 (
Optimized support for Edge kernel
Optimize CPU usage
optimization download
repair video widget functionality compatibility issues on individual sites
2015.11.27 (
Optimization of support for win10:
1) fixes on win10, using the Edge kernel, drag and drop function is not working properly
2) related bug fixes Developer Tools
3) repair win10, use part of the input method input Chinese, edit box in question underlined
Collection: Repair Under certain circumstances, the problem of slow display favorites
Video widget: Fix the problem does not support html5 video video widget
The mouse events: repair gaming mouse double-click the key issues can not close the browser tab
Right Menu: Repair context menu divider pixels incorrect menu beyond the edge of the problem
Flash Related: Repair under individual pages, flash abnormal display problems
2015.11.11 (
solve update system patches, browser speed during use may crash problems
2015.11.06 (
New Edge skin
resolve some cases the browser may stuck questions
Repair the high score screen, the browser part of the interface displays vague question
fix some problems of slow page Close
Copy gif picture may fail to repair problems
Repair Edge kernel, the drag link does not open question
2015.10.23 (
Fix crash
fix compatibility problems of individual sites
Repair part of the machine, the problem may be stuck watching video
2015.10.23 (
Version 8.5 into the official version, welcome everyone to use
2015.10.15 ( Beta
slight upgrade the kernel
Fix a few crashes, improve stability
repair some cases, some pages not open question
repair few copywriting error
Download Management Panel: The file being downloaded, the file name support display tips when the mouse moves up
repair some cases, find the content, but search box displays the contents of the issue was not found
repair some machines, when you start the browser, will brief question stuck a few seconds
gaofenping under repair, click the system tray icon speed browser, no problem Reaction
2015.9.18 ( Beta
slight upgrade the kernel
Fix crash
Repair save the page as a picture of the bug, such as some cases show a blank Once saved
Repair several high score screen under display error
fix a few details on the bug win10
Repair enlarge some cases the problem can only display pictures corner
When the repair microblogging upload a photo album, you can not check the "Upload picture" and "add watermark" problem
2015.9.13 ( Beta
Repair synchronous exceptions BUG
2015.9.11 ( Beta
Upgrade the kernel to the 45 nuclear stability Edition
Fix a few crashes
Optimize the kernel support for Edge
After repair some cases, save the page as a picture, the picture has the wrong question
Repair some xp system, the font is too small theme settings cause the browser interface font display unusual problems
2015.9.1 ( Beta
Optimize memory consumption when watching videos
Fix download box and clean up traces of windows have black specks problems
Repair mouse gestures bug
Repair Click Youku video, it will lead to full-screen video problems
2015.8.26 ( Beta
kernel upgrade to 45.0.2454.46
Repair password form on several websites compatible bug
Fix the blinking problem when you open a new tab
Seamless small window of bug fixes
Repair v.gdtv.cn small window displays the unusual problems
There are problems transparent shadow box while repairing launch the browser
When the repair may have to start the browser tab displays transparent questions
2015.8.18 ( Beta
Repair win 10 under the relevant bug, as the system is switched virtual desktop browser remaining after the border and other issues
Fix some cases, you can not open the browser speed problems from other program
Repair F11 to open a new tab in full-screen mode, click on the left side of the collection, but the pop-up menu in question account
resolve when entering the video full-screen mode, flash shadow border issues
squared: when repairing transparency of 0% the search box drop-down list shows the problems of abnormal
repair the skin browser into the "coldest", the expansion icon to display unusual problems
Repair parts of the pages in the browser does not open question
Repair clear browsing history, still unable to clean up problems in the address bar automatically recommend those history
2015.8.13 ( Beta
Increase Win10 kernel under the support of the Edge
Fix a few crashes
New Tab page: Fix several bug, as the dividing line error, display abnormal after the window display empty Useful links and other issues.
Download: Fix IE mode, one tab can download only one file problem
Extension: repaired by catalog installed extensions, restart the browser to disable bombs bubble prompted questions
repair extension page a copy error
The repair part of the page, compatibility mode, pictures can not quickly save problem
Search Bar: Right Repair search field, while the right-click menu and will recommend search terms menu problem
Repair hyperlinks drag less sensitive issues
Fixing the Home button on the left side of the address bar no problem tips
Repair Favorites button to expand the menu "Other Favorites" when collections, appears empty issues
repair using the full screen, the browser tab bar to the top part of the problem of missing
Repair Alt + left quickly to save the image, the focus does not return to the problem page
repair some unusual problems rendering pages
fix the problem under win10, can not be fixed after you install the browser icon to the taskbar
repair some environments, mouse click to zoom the page no response to the problem
repair some environments, the address bar drop-down button is clicked no response to the problem
repair some environments, you can not open the site cloud security issues
2015.8.6 ( Beta
kernel upgrade to 45.0.2454.15[/more]
Важное примечание насчет внешнего speed dial!!!
Из-за особенностей реализации интерфейса браузера на линейках до 8.5 включительно корректно работают лишь Speed Dial 2 и Infinity New Tab. В версиях линейки 8.7, корректно работают Speed Dial [FVD] и другие speed dial-ы.
Все остальные speed dial-ы на линейках до 8.5 включительно устанавливаются, но максимум, на что они способны - это отображаться при запуске браузера или при нажатии на кнопку "Главная страница" (aka "Домой"). При открытии новой вкладки все равно отображается встроенный speed dial. В версии speed-dial-ы снова не работают, на этот раз совсем, опять же, кроме Speed Dial 2 и Infinity New Tab.
Онлайн-сервис Top Page или расширение для него, и другие подобные онлайн-сервисы закладок.
Внимание!! Если при установке расширения вы видите сообщение "Недопустимый пакет. Подробные сведения: "Default locale is defined but default data couldn't be loaded.":
В связи с изначальной двуязычностью браузера (zh-CN и en-US) имеются проблемы с установкой чисто русских расширений (с локалью по умолчанию ru), в связи с чем требуется их простая доработка путем замены в файле manifest.json расширения строчки
Код: "default_locale": "ru",