Вышла версия 6.0 фанатской модификации Mass Recall, воссоздающей на движке StarCraft 2 все 6 кампаний StarCraft и StarCraft: Brood War, в том числе
три карты, удалённые из релизной версии StarCraft, а также кампанию-приквел
Precursor. Воссозданы не только, собственно, кампании, но и все ключевые механики первого StarCraft, в том числе характеристики юнитов, дерево технологий, брифинги перед миссиями, статистика K/D после прохождения миссий и пр. Для юнитов, у которых на движке StarCraft 2 не было своих моделей (например, Terran Valkyrie,
старые Protoss Carrier), разработчики включили в мод кастомные модели. В целом, уровень детализации поразительный; разработчики с большой любовью подошли к делу, и у них, на мой взгляд, получился результат, ничуть не уступающий официальным кампаниям StarCraft 2.
Чейнджлог версии 6.0 тут:
[more]== SCMR v6.0 ==
==== GENERAL ====
* new file structure: added SCMRLocal dependency which acts as a framework for localization
* included remastered high-definition versions of the original CGI cinematics
* added new descriptions for units, characters, planets
* the mod now tracks certain statistics across the campaigns
==== AI ====
* attacking enemy forces will try to retreat when outmatched. Survivors will be added to the next attack
* added variation to AI attack routes in certain maps
* easy difficulty setting now easier: reduced attack wave, made attacking enemy bases easier
==== VISUALS ====
* (optional) permanent visual effects on the ground at nuke detonations and destroyed buildings. Will not affect pathing or gameplay
* (optional) included a city variant of the mission Terran 09: "New Gettysburg"
* removed unit silhouettes when behind other objects
=== New unit models / effects: ===
* Samir Duran
* ComSat Station
* Psi Disrupter
* (optional) UED variants for Marine, Firebat, Ghost, Siege Tank, Goliath
* new mission objective beacon variants for different Terran factions
* Queen of Blades (without the cloud effect)
* Cerebrate
* Dark Swarm (Defiler ability)
* Plague (Defiler ability)
* Corsair
* Arbiter
* Dark Archon
* Reaver
* Warp Gate
* Protoss Temple
* Xel'Naga Temple
* Fenix (Dragoon)
* Raszagal
* Bengalaas
=== New portraits: ===
* Edmund Duke
* Sarah Kerrigan
* Gerard DuGalle
* (optional) UED variants for Marine, Firebat, Siege Tank
* Overmind
* Defiler
* Devourer
* Dragoon
* Artanis
* Raszagal
* Shuttle
=== New Icons: ===
* Edmund Duke
* Metabolic Boost
* Parasite
* Spawn Broodlings
* Singularity Charge
* Disruption Web
* Stasis Field
* Recall
* Khaydarin Core
* Scarab
* Upgrade Scarab Damage
* Recharge Shield
==== TERRAIN ====
* terrain aesthetics overhauled across the board
* slightly reduced clutter and added space in some maps
==== CUTSCENES ====
* most cutscenes revamped
* many new cutscenes added
* mission intro cutscenes can now be skipped by pressing the escape key
==== AUDIO ====
* (optional) included all Brood War unit responses. Brood War or Starcraft 2 voiceovers can be selected for each unit individually
* changed ambience in certain maps and added new ambient sound effects (Aiur and city maps in particular)
* included Brood War unit death sounds for Marine, Firebat, Zealot in their respective sound sets (these sounds are played in addition to the Starcraft 2 sounds)
* new alert voiceovers for certain units
* new sound effect for Sarah Kerrigan's and Samir Duran's rifle shots
* included original sound effects for when units are rescued
==== UI ====
* revamped Campaign Launcher GUI
* new Campaign Launcher features: Codex, Stats
* changes and added animations to the briefing screen layout
* new stats included in the score screen
* replaced the default SC2 tech trees with SCMR tech trees in the help menu
* (optional) added unit, planet and character profiles as popups as they are introduced throughout the campaigns
* (optional) the game displays an alert and creates a spacebar point when a hero unit's health drops below 60%
* (optional) mission objectives are hidden until the end of the mission briefing
* removed minimap markings for untargetable, non-gameplay structures in certain maps
* added a button to the in-game menu for returning to SCMR title screen
==== GAMEPLAY ====
* Goliath ground range increased from 5 to 6
* Consume no longer has a cooldown
* Scourge upgrades now apply properly
* Queens no longer have a speed bonus over creep
* Spawn Broodlings can no longer be cast on Heroic units
* Devourer attacks should make cloaked units visible again (in case they were visible when the attack hit)
* Tassadar's Psi Storm radius reduced from 2.25 to 2 (same as regular High Templar)
* Feedback can no longer be cast on friendly units
* Corsair base armor increased from 0 to 1
* Fixed a bug where Fenix (Zealot) would be a priority target for the AI
Loomings04: "Force of Arms"
* enemy air units removed from waves
Terran01: "Wasteland"
* slightly expanded the map and moved the base to the south
Terran04: "The Jacobs Installation"
* map layout changes, map now closer to the original
* UI tweaks to third person mode
* added an alternative fire mode (full auto) for third person mode
Terran10: "The Hammer Falls"
* slight map layout tweaks, map now closer to the original
Zerg04: "Agent of the Swarm"
* fixed an issue where the victory trigger ran multiple times
* Help! They are forcing me to write patch notes for them
Zerg05: "The Amerigo"
* fixed an issue where Kerrigan could be controlled during the intro cutscene
Zerg09: "The Invasion of Aiur"
* the beacon in the base is now unselectable
* fixed a minor pathing issue at the east expansion
Protoss01: "First Strike"
* fixed an issue where Protoss and Zerg units fight during the Fenix cutscene
Protoss10: "Eye of the Storm"
* Terran supply is now capped at 200
ProtossX01: "Escape from Aiur"
* fixed an issue where units would freeze when skipping a cutscene
ProtossX06: "Return to Char"
* fixed an issue where campaign progress was not saved after the mission
* friendly Zerg supply is now capped at 200
ProtossX07: "The Insurgent"
* AI attack routes now less predictable
* fixed an issue with Aldaris in the ending cutscene
TerranX04: "Assault on Korhal"
* AI will no longer rally units to a destroyed base
TerranX05: "Emperor's Fall"
* AI will no longer rally units to a destroyed base
TerranX07: "Patriot's Blood"
* fixed an issue where campaign progress was not saved after the mission
ZergX06: "Fury of the Swarm"
* Fixed an issue that would break the AI at the beginning of the mission
ZergX10: "Omega"
* fixed an issue where campaign progress (final cinematic) was not saved after the mission
* blocked backdoor entrance to the Dominion base[/more]
Для запуска и корректной работы, вероятнее всего, потребуется последняя версия LotV! На пиратке работоспособность не проверялась, но, вероятнее всего, на ней мод работать не будет! Для запуска сгодится пропатченный StarCraft 2: Starter Edition, который предоставляется каждому владельцу Battle.net аккаунта бесплатно. Ссылки на скачку:
Официальная страница мода:
https://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/starcraft-mass-recall/ Ссылка оттуда:
https://mega.nz/#F!tlJzgDRb!pwNqYVXzo8d9S-LqfqCxSA Автоматический установщик:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/l7pkm0up4zp4y3m/scmrlesetup.cmd?dl=0 Зеркало со всеми файлами мода и с автоматическим установщиком:
https://mega.nz/#F!Kc5nhLzT!bBzhX9ygM8e-c6v666VnRg Установка:
Автоматическая: поместить все 5 архивов и scmrlesetup.cmd в папку, где находится StarCraft II.exe, и запустить scmrlesetup.cmd.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYJuB6TrliA Запуск:
При автоматической установке должен создаться ярлык на рабочем столе, при помощи которого запускается «главное меню» мода (по факту — карта, в которой содержится меню с настройками и из которой запускаются все остальные карты).
Если установка осуществлялась вручную, то:
- можно создать ярлык, прописав в качестве «Объекта» следующее:
Код: "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft 2\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft 2\Maps\Starcraft Mass Recall\SCMR Campaign Launcher.SC2Map"