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Добавлено: How to install Windows 8/8.1 and patch CPU feature checks Notes:
•The patch does not make Windows 8 compatible to your CPU since it only bypasses the compatibility checks. This means that if Windows 8 tries to use one of the features, your computer will probably crash. For example, if you applied the CMPXCHG16B patch, a 0x0000001E (KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED) BSOD with error code 0xFFFFFFFFC000001D (STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION) could occur if a CMPXCHG16B instruction is attempted to be executed.
•The tool cannot predict how the feature checks will be implemented in future file versions of the files to be patched, which means that there is a risk that future file versions cannot be patched
•For the reasons above, don't use these patches on your main OS!
•If Windows is stuck at the spinning dots on boot, you have to disable hyper-threading or to patch hal.dll and halmacpi.dll
•You have to run bcdedit /set {default} NoIntegrityChecks Yes if you patched winload.exe