Hi Everyone,
We're looking to expand our library of characters used in testing, and there is no better place to do that than to pull them out of the community!
If you have a a few minutes in your day and want to help us out, send me an email with your character attached to it. Please, we only want characters that are 'legitimate' -- that is, no mods that use relics on epic/legendary items, xp mods so that your character is *way* overleveled, etc etc.
We're especially interested in characters that are levels 30-35, characters that have completed epic difficulty, and characters that have completed legendary difficulty.
Your character can be located @
My Documents\My Games\Titan Quest\SaveData\Main\ (CharacterName)
Zip or Rar that folder up, and email it over to cmccarthy AT ironlore DOT com. A short description such as "level 32 oracle", would help as well.
If you have any questions/comments, you can post them in this thread.
Thanks! =]
к чему бы это?
неужели хотят выпустить долгожданный патч