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This update fixes an tray icon update bug.
The process column is locked on the left side so that it doesn't scroll horizontally out of view
You can configure custom column selections and save them as easy-to-access column sets
Image verification option now verifies images in the background
More refresh intervals
Runas menu entry in the File menu
Run as Limited User menu entry in the File menu to run a process without administrative privileges and group membership
Process menu includes Restart item to kill and then restart a selected process
Can suspend individual threads on Threads page of Process Properties dialog
The Find Window target moves Process Explorer's main window to the back to get it out of the way
Close Window command uses same End Task functionality as Task Manager
Show New Processes option scrolls display to make new processes visible
Heuristics to detect more image packers
User name of account in which Process Explorer is running is shown in the title bar
Services can be stopped, resumed, and paused from the Services tab of the Process Properties dialog
The DLLs that host SvcHost processes are listed in the Services tab of the Process Properties dialog
Services running within a process display on the process' tooltip
As a parallel to the CPU Usage History column there's now a Private Bytes Usage History column
The Process view includes columns that show the working set breakdown of the process in shared, shareable and private pages
New delta private-bytes column to show changes in private virtual memory usage
Can copy lines from the Process, DLL and Handle views to the clipboard
Option to show pagefile-backed (unnamed) sections in DLL view
DLL and handle searching consolidated
The DLL view includes columns that show the working set contributions in shared, shareable, and private pages
The DLL a Rundll32 process hosts is shown in its process tooltip
Packed DLL highlighting in DLL view
Image signing verification available for DLLs
Better DLL properties dialog
Object address shown in Object Properties dialog
File object share flags column for Handle view
This major Process Explorer update has an extensive list of new features and enhancements aimed at usability and malware hunting. Just some of the examples include Runas and Run As Limited User commands, process restart, column sets, enhanced process tooltips for service-hosting and Rundll32 processes, working set breakdown columns, and DLL image verification and packed-image detection.
What's new in Version 10.1:
Vista process cycle counters in process properties and as column
Service permissions viewing and editing
Workaround for .NET runtime handle leak
Many new I/O columns and process properties
System and per-process I/O bytes history graphs
I/O history minigraph
Memory commit history minigraph
Optional I/O history tray icon
Windows 64-bit for Itanium support
А зачем его иметь постоянно включенным? ты же не держишь Диспетчер задач все время запущенным
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