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» FreeArc: бесплатный open-source архиватор

Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 15:38

В всё, как я понимаю, запихано в 1 блок.

нет. мой листинг, в отличие от 7-zip, не показывает солид-блоки. это увидеть можно только в FAR plugin:

Код: charset dll| 24576| 3066191
iconv dll| 892928| 0
intl dll| 45056| 0
Arc050-no-http exe| 2244608| 1099876
Arc050 exe| 2247168| 0
WinArc050-no-http exe| 2417664| 0
WinArc050 exe| 2420736| 0
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 15:56

те, кто использует -lc- должны сами разбираться сколько им памяти использовать

Но дополнительная опцию -lv всё таки наверно нужна
-lc\-ld - ограничивают физ.память вообще
-lv - ограничивает виртуальную, а тут по-сути ограничение не вируальной памяти вообще, а ограничение на непрерывный блок в ней. (не накаждой машине будет такой непрерывный блок),
т.к. если сейчас сомещено ограничение, то расёт параметров алгоритмов будет сильно занижен, т.к. насколько я понял, напримере rep-а, занимается непрерывнй блок равный размеру словаря, а хэш занимает далее. Тут кстати вопрос хэш занимает память как зря или ему тоже нужен непрерывный блок?

Может сделаете утилитку для работы с памятью, для обкатки всяких "мыслей"
Например вывод не только самого большого непрерывного блока, но и вывод информацию о других непрерыных блоках (ессенно без фанатизма, min размер блока лимитирован, если определение этих блоков продолжительная операция).
также вывод другой информации о памяти, а то на глаза не попадались такого рода утилитки, кроме RAM Speed Test.
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 16:19
wArc научился:
Отображать размер архива в статусной строке
Переключать вид списка файлов на большие и маленькие иконки
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 18:00

а ram speed test застревает на 1909 Mb (есть варианты как с этим побороться?)...

Автор: Registered User
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 18:03

нет. мой листинг, в отличие от 7-zip, не показывает солид-блоки. это увидеть можно только в FAR plugin:

За что же такая дискриминация J.
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 18:44

-lv - ограничивает виртуальную, а тут по-сути ограничение не вируальной памяти вообще, а ограничение на непрерывный блок в ней. (не накаждой машине будет такой непрерывный блок)

-lv - ограничивает виртуальную память вообще.
-lvb - ограничение на непрерывный блок в виртуальной памяти.
т.к. Win64 - вирт.памяти вообще больше, чем в Win32.


-lv - ограничивает виртуальную память вообще.

чёрт, тогды не -lv, а
-lvс - ограничивает виртуальную память упаковка
-lvd - ограничивает виртуальную память распаковка
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 20:05
Реализовано извлечение только выделенных файлов
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 20:07

покажи мне хоть олного автора архиваторов, который озабочен работой с >2gb.

хотя не наверно есть\точнее был судя по последним версиям:
Matt Mahoney
paq8a-paq8d опция -9

Win64 2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки), EDITBIN.EXE /LARGEADDRESSAWARE paq8a.exe
paq8a.exe -9 p.paq 3dmark05_v100_installer.exe
Вирт.память - 3233180кб=3157Мб=3.08Гб
Автор: slech
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 21:17
WinArc050 в zip заходить не умеет ?
у меня вылетает сразу.
Автор: Nikolai2004
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 22:42
а WinArc вообще создавать архивы умеет? не нахожу кнопки Add
Автор: slech
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 22:44
помоему не умеет.
Автор: Man_in_White
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2008 23:46
Действительно. В GUI 0.50 beta нигде не наблюдаю кнопки add.
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 03:59
wArc научился:
1) Открывать файл из архива при двойном клике на нем внешней ассоциированной программой
2) Измененный файл предлагает обновить в архиве
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 03:59


т.е. не зависит от макс. размера блока памяти.

(WinXP 32bit) 2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
paq8a.exe -8 p.paq 3dmark05_v100_installer.exe
Вирт.память - 1622892кб=1584Мб

для опции -9 в paq9a заявленно 1585 MiB memory
paq9a.exe a p.paq -9 3dmark05_v100_installer.exe
сразу без раздумий - Out of memory

(WinXP 32bit) 2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
paq9a.exe a p.paq -9 3dmark05_v100_installer.exe
Вирт.память - 1587756кб=1551Мб
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 08:18

lzp:1647m (дальше упираемся в другое ограничение в 3.4Гб или типа того)

думаю упираемся скорее всего что на втором этапе нету нужного непрерывного блока в памяти.

А проверить мысль нечем.

совсем забыл про DURILCA она же данные в память засовывает.
(WinXP 64bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)

wilsoft.tar 1936Мб (2 030 005 760=198243кб)
DURILCA.exe e -m1703 -o128 wilsoft.tar

Process Explorer 11.03
Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 1992632кб=1946Мб=1.90Гб\3736832кб=3649Мб=3.56Гб
Virtual Size 2000692кб=1954Мб=1.91Гб\3741492кб=3654Мб=3.57Гб
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 10:20
кстати DURILCA расходует всё доступную память (весь доступный непрерывнй блок)
FreeArc меньше, или во время работы FreeArc-a размер блока уменьшается, см.выше.
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 10:41

Реализовано извлечение только выделенных файлов

народ, правьте плиз шапку сами
Автор: Nikolai2004
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 11:24
народ, правьте плиз шапку сами

Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 11:31

Насчёт варианта rep с более усточивым хэшем – c удовольствием постестирую, даже без распаковки

ок, но это боюсь не раньше след. месяца

С памятью обратите внимание на RAM Speed Test.exe
находит самый большой непрерывнй блок в памяти.

ага. выделяет самый большой возможный блок памяти. тебя обрадует если fa даже в режиме -m1 для начала будет выделять блок на 2 гига - просто чтобы порверить сколько памяти доступно? нужен алгоритм проверки доступных блоков памяти, не производящий их реальное выделение. возможно, это дуастся сделать с помощью VirtualAlloc - надо будет проверить

Может сделаете утилитку для работы с памятью, для обкатки всяких "мыслей"


вписывались потому что лимит 1536m катит, с +иероглифы уже не катит.

т.е. вероятно проблем не будет у европейнцев, но будут у азиатов

-lv - ограничивает виртуальную, а тут по-сути ограничение не вируальной памяти вообще, а ограничение на непрерывный блок в ней

в общем, моя модель автоограничения алгоритмов, основанная на идее 75% от физ. памяти, оетит к чёрту при большом объёме ОЗУ, когда проблемы возникают с доступным адресным пространством и размером непрерывного блока. причём еслои при упаковке это ещё можно проверить-подобрать, то как быть при распаковке. представь себе, что ты посылаешь свой архив какому-нибудь японцу? да он же харакири себе сделает!

Как у lzma размер хэша считается? и вообще как выделение памяти считается?

краткая справка:
lzp - blocksize + blocksize + 4*2^hashsize
rep - blocksize + 4*2^hashsize (по умолчанию размер хеша - четвертьт от ращмера словаря, округлённого до ближайшей степени двойки, для blocksize=1.5*2^n используется hashsize=0.25*2^n)
lzma - dictsize (для хранения исходных данных) + 8*dictsize (для хранения хеш-цепочек, в fast режимах 4*dictsize) + ~2*dictsize (для хранения заголовков хеш-цепочек, размер достаточно произволен и выбирается внутри lzma-алгоритма; для fast-режимов здесь значение побольше, для max - поменьше)
ppmd - вся память выделяется одним блоком

я здесь описал разбивку по блокам

пока что я прихожу к выводу, что в автоматически выбираемых режимах (m8/m9) надо ограничить rep/ppmd так, чтобы при распаковке требовалось не более 1гб памяти - такой объём виртуалки вроде все компы обеспечить в состоянии. далее, надо улучшить алгоритмы детектинга свободной памяти чтобы fa не вылетал от того, что не нашлось свободного блока достаточной длины. сделать утилиту исследования памяти, которая позволит тебе лучше разобраться что там и как

кроме того, мне сейчас важно понять - если последнюю 0.50 версию пропатчить editbin, то есть ли ращзница в работе http/no-http и gui/cmdline версий. если тебе нужно выложить отдельно exe-шники - пиши. если ты уже проверил и я пропустил это - ткни плиз. аналогичная просьба к Ghost. вопрос относится к работе под всеми трёмя ОС, так что тут конечно объём тестирования большой
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 11:42
решил проверить догадку, а какой размер непрерывного блока без LARGEADDRESSAWARE, получил 1685Мб, а с DURILCA-кой получил забавную предельную цыфру 1703m.

(WinXP 64bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
RAM Speed Test.exe 1685Мб

readme.txt 4кб
DURILCA.exe e -m1703 -o128 readme.txt


2040.TAR 2040Мб (2 139 406 848=2 089 265кб)
DURILCA.exe e -m1703 -o128 2040.TAR

Process Explorer 11.03
Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2099684кб=2050Мб=2.00Гб\3843884кб=3754Мб=3.67Гб
Virtual Size 2107532кб=2058Мб=2.01Гб\3848332кб=3758Мб=3.67Гб


тебя обрадует если fa даже в режиме -m1 для начала будет выделять блок на 2 гига - просто чтобы порверить сколько памяти доступно?

Во первых это будет не заметно это же не физической памяти будет занято.
А во вторых а зачем нам искать максимальный блок сразу, можно предусматреть то что вирт. памяти может не хватить, и уже если её не хватило, тогда делать изыскания.

пока что я прихожу к выводу, что в автоматически выбираемых режимах (m8/m9) надо ограничить rep/ppmd так, чтобы при распаковке требовалось не более 1гб памяти - такой объём виртуалки вроде все компы обеспечить в состоянии.

Поинтересуйтесь у автора 7-zip почему он убрал в GUI выбор размеров словаря 128Мб\96Мб, а ещё раньше 192Мб.


тебя обрадует если fa даже в режиме -m1 для начала будет выделять блок на 2 гига - просто чтобы порверить сколько памяти доступно?

Во первых это будет не заметно это же не физической памяти будет занято.
А во вторых а зачем нам искать максимальный блок сразу, можно предусматреть то что вирт. памяти может не хватить, и уже если её не хватило, тогда делать изыскания.

пока что я прихожу к выводу, что в автоматически выбираемых режимах (m8/m9) надо ограничить rep/ppmd так, чтобы при распаковке требовалось не более 1гб памяти - такой объём виртуалки вроде все компы обеспечить в состоянии.

Поинтересуйтесь у автора 7-zip почему он убрал в GUI выбор размеров словаря 128Мб\96Мб, а ещё раньше 192Мб.


rep - blocksize + 4*2^hashsize

а можно сделать возможность указывать конкретный объём хэша типа 750Мб?


в общем, моя модель автоограничения алгоритмов, основанная на идее 75% от физ. памяти, оетит к чёрту при большом объёме ОЗУ

она летит к чёрту при малом непрерывном блоке.


так что тут конечно объём тестирования большой

вот и идёт вяло, только сделано Arc050.exe на Win32+иероглифы, на Win64 тоже можно будет иероглифы включить.
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 12:52

о первых это будет не заметно это же не физической памяти будет занято.

ага. зато своп-файл может вырасти сразу на два гига

так что тут конечно объём тестирования большой
вот и идёт вяло,

ok, мне не к спеху, я пока сделаю тебе утилитку для исследования памяти и займусь другими делами. гдлавное - до 1 февраля всё это окончательно разрулить

а можно сделать возможность указывать конкретный объём хэша типа 750Мб?

нет, только степени двойки. rep:2g:h512m впрочем этого объёма (особенно если добавить :a99) хватает за глаза
Автор: Nikolai2004
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 12:57
а что такое http версия? что она делает? разпаковывает архивы с прямо с инета, не скачивая их? не понимаю зачем это вообще нужно и стоит ли на это тратить время
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 13:12

то как быть при распаковке. представь себе, что ты посылаешь свой архив какому-нибудь японцу? да он же харакири себе сделает!

Тоже самое будет и сейчас.
Даже с тем же 7-zip-пом 64bit, тоже самое будет при использовании PPMD и большой размер модели 2Гб, не распакуется на 32bit системе, т.к. не сможет выделить столько памяти, с 1.5Гб будут проблему, и автор скорее всего это знает - выбора 2Гб нету.

Даже если бы была версия FreeArc 64bit под Win64, а то не решило бы проблем FreeArc 32bit, отмазон пользуйтесь 64bit версией сейчас не катит, для этого нужна 64bit система.
Т.е. или загонять FreeArc 32bit в узкие рамки или решать проблемы переходного (критического) периода. То что было пару лет назад дял массового пользователя пределом мечтаний 2Гб памяти, сейчас реальность 2-4Гб на машине.
Даже на машине с 2Гб уже проблемы будут.


ага. зато своп-файл может вырасти сразу на два гига

неуспеет, по-идеи
или Вы подразумеваете, если он динамический?
таки это не очень-то и рекомендуется делать - файл подкачки динамическим.
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 13:50

не понимаю зачем это вообще нужно и стоит ли на это тратить время

почитай всю эту ветку, где-нибудь странице на 20-й мы это обсуждали
Автор: Nikolai2004
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 14:08
нашёл что-то на 14 странице. т.е. это сделано для восстановления архивов путём перекачивания битых участков?
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 14:16

я пока сделаю тебе утилитку для исследования памяти

лови -


т.е. это сделано для восстановления архивов путём перекачивания битых участков?

а ещё для частичной распаковки архивов, распаковки только обновившихся файлов, просмотра оглавления архивов и т.д. там всё описано. в частности, тестовые версии самого winarc сейчас поставляются в таком виде - ты можешь извлекать из arc.arc только обновившиеся exe-шники, не вытаскивая каждый раз все dll. а те, у кого их ещё нет -0 могут распаковать архив полностью
Автор: Nikolai2004
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 14:37
понятно. просто большинство контента нынче выкладывается в peer2peer файлообменных сетях (напрмер torrent), а то что лежит на http/ftp защищено antileech-системами (например rapidshare). так что использовать сетевые возможности freearc можно только на небольших дистрибутивах (тапа самого freearc), но во времена толстых выделенок с безлимитными тарифами это становится малоактуально
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 14:42

ага. зато своп-файл может вырасти сразу на два гига

кстати если файл подкачки динамический система его будет сама выравнивать чтобы было больше 2Гб (физ.память+файл подкачки).
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 14:59
[more=вот мой лог на 1gb]There is 49 percent of memory in use.
There are 1023 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 521 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1694 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 1287 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2047 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2040 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1911 mb
Allocated 75 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 49 percent of memory in use.
There are 1023 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 521 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2666 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 346 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2047 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 129 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 12.01.2008 19:21

лови -

обновлённая вроде принципиально ничем не отличается?

Вообщем предположения вроде бы подвердились про второй блок.

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024
(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048
(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
memo2g.exe x

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024 /3GB /USERVA=3000
(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048 /3GB /USERVA=3000
(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /3GB /USERVA=3000
memo2g.exe x
memo4g.exe x

(WinXP 64bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
memo2g.exe x
memo4g.exe x

[more=Process Explorer..]
(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1568кб=1.53Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1568кб=1.53Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1568кб=1.53Мб

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1576кб=1.54Мб

memo4g.exe x
Сообщение в Windows - Слишком мало виртуальной памяти

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2970448кб=2901Мб=2.83Гб
Virtual Size 1384084кб=1352Мб=1.32Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1588кб=1.55Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1576кб=1.54Мб

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3058604кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1584кб=1.55Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1576кб=1.54Мб

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3058604кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1580кб=1.54Мб

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1392кб=1.36Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1396кб=1.36Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1388кб=1.36Мб

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1396кб=1.36Мб

memo4g.exe x
Сообщение в Windows - Слишком мало виртуальной памяти

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2949412кб=2880Мб=2.81Гб
Virtual Size 1715216кб=1675Мб=1.64Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1412кб=1.38Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1396кб=1.36Мб

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3059196кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1400кб=1.37Мб

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1400кб=1.37Мб

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3059196кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1400кб=1.37Мб

(WinXP 64bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2072252кб=2024Мб=1.98Гб
Virtual Size 1759740кб=1718Мб=1.68Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1608кб=1.57Мб

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 4173444кб=4076Мб=3.98Гб
Virtual Size 2108924кб=2059Мб=2.01Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1616кб=1.58Мб

[more=memo log full +Process Explorer ..]
(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1568кб=1.53Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 723496 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2837212 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2081580 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 723484 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1477488 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 723716 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1480432 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 723768 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2838832 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1568кб=1.53Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 19 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1696180 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3813544 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2081580 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 19 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1696176 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2453824 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 19 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1695196 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2452968 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 19 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1695220 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3811368 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1568кб=1.53Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2218032 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4334488 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2081580 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2218028 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2974768 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2217660 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2974256 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2217392 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4332484 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 723180 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1576кб=1.54Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 24 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 795828 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2909416 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3056428 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 24 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 795820 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1549696 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 24 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 795424 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1549288 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 24 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 792508 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2903000 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo4g.exe x
Сообщение в Windows - Слишком мало виртуальной памяти

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2970448кб=2901Мб=2.83Гб
Virtual Size 1384084кб=1352Мб=1.32Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1588кб=1.55Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 23 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 797352 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2909296 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3056428 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 14 mb
There is 23 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 797832 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1549980 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1687788 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 14 mb
There is 23 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 799104 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1550556 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1687788 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 7 mb
Allocated 3 mb
There is 23 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 799112 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2908964 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1687788 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1576кб=1.54Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1782476 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3896840 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3056428 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1782504 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2537208 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1782264 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2536864 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1782324 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3895472 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3058604кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1584кб=1.55Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1783468 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3893912 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3056428 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1783464 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2534188 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1783484 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2533940 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1783444 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3892340 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2082868кб=2034Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1576кб=1.54Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2286092 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4399396 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3056428 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2286068 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3039676 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2284072 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3038136 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2284072 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4396536 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)+иероглифы
boot.ini /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3058604кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1373844кб=1342Мб=1.31Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1580кб=1.54Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2287380 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4399016 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3056428 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2287376 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3039292 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2287168 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3038972 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1326 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 294 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 13 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 12 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2287168 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4397372 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1698028 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1392кб=1.36Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 727916 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2846016 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2082224 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 727908 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1144968 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 727192 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1144272 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 30 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 727280 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3047952 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2843712 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1388кб=1.36Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 17 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1722672 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3842012 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2082224 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 17 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1722664 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2140964 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 17 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1722348 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2140704 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 17 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1722360 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4042628 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3840120 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1388кб=1.36Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2220176 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4338652 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2082224 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2220172 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2637604 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2219572 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2637072 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2219296 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4563784 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4336284 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 382832 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1396кб=1.36Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 772640 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2888080 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3057072 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 772636 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1187032 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 772308 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1186680 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 772348 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2886072 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)1Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=1024 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo4g.exe x
Сообщение в Windows - Слишком мало виртуальной памяти

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2949412кб=2880Мб=2.81Гб
Virtual Size 1715216кб=1675Мб=1.64Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1412кб=1.38Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 775156 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2888356 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3057072 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 201 mb
There is 25 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 775680 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1187764 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1356656 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 201 mb
There is 25 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 776912 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1188316 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1356656 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 201 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 43 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 25 percent of memory in use.
There are 1048116 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 776912 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 3099144 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2887708 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1356656 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1396кб=1.36Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1808792 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3925908 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3057072 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1808784 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2224860 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1808332 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2224420 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1808332 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3923812 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /MAXMEM=2048 /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3059196кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1400кб=1.37Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1813120 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3926300 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3057072 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1813112 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2225248 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1812972 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2224984 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2096692 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 1812988 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4108808 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3924376 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2083460кб=2035Мб=1.99Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1400кб=1.37Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2311636 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4426400 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3057072 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2311660 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2725392 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2314124 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2730076 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2314124 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4429468 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 32bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)
boot.ini /3GB /USERVA=3000

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 3059196кб=2987Мб=2.92Гб
Virtual Size 1714192кб=1674Мб=1.63Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1400кб=1.37Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2314884 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4429480 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3057072 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2314876 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2728428 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2314800 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2728160 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1659 mb
Allocated 951 mb
Allocated 246 mb
Allocated 72 mb
Allocated 45 mb
Allocated 7 mb
There is 11 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620916 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2314800 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4613576 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4427552 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 3071872 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1357680 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 64bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)

memo2g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 2072252кб=2024Мб=1.98Гб
Virtual Size 1759740кб=1718Мб=1.68Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1608кб=1.57Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2242268 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4342108 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2085124 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 1706 mb
Allocated 200 mb
Allocated 73 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 11 mb
Allocated 2 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2242252 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2590980 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 337284 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 1706 mb
Allocated 200 mb
Allocated 73 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 11 mb
Allocated 2 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2240148 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2590412 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 337284 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 1706 mb
Allocated 200 mb
Allocated 73 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 11 mb
Allocated 2 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2240100 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4338040 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2097024 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 337284 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

(WinXP 64bit)2.5Гб+2Гб(файл подкачки)

memo4g.exe x

Process Explorer 11.03

Virtual Memory
Peak Private Bytes 4173444кб=4076Мб=3.98Гб
Virtual Size 2108924кб=2059Мб=2.01Гб

Physical Memory
Peak Working Set 1616кб=1.58Мб

Usage: memo [x]. "x" adds additional info + pause after each allocation batch
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2233728 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4335816 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4194176 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4182276 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using malloc
Allocated 2047 mb
Allocated 1706 mb
Allocated 200 mb
Allocated 73 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 11 mb
Allocated 2 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2233540 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2234696 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4194176 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2085252 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_COMMIT
Allocated 2047 mb
Allocated 1706 mb
Allocated 200 mb
Allocated 73 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 11 mb
Allocated 2 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2233280 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 2234424 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4194176 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2085252 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

Test memory allocation using VirtualAlloc::MEM_RESERVE
Allocated 2047 mb
Allocated 1706 mb
Allocated 200 mb
Allocated 73 mb
Allocated 24 mb
Allocated 11 mb
Allocated 2 mb
There is 14 percent of memory in use.
There are 2620812 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 2233280 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 4556540 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4331320 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 4194176 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2085252 free Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Kbytes of extended memory.

осталось во FreeArc это обкатать
только нужно учитывать если FreeArc-у будут отдаваться такие значия как выдаёт memo, то нужно не -1, а больше вычитать, вообщем обратите внимание что будет во FreeArc-е с размерами блоков.

Страницы: 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667

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