Graham Bonnet - LINE-UP (1981)
FLAC | 940 kbps | 39:38 min | 274 MB | covers | rar 3%
Genre: Hard Rock ...После непродолжительного периода работы в Rainbow Боннет продолжил свою сольную карьеру, выпустив альбом Line Up в 1981 году. Продюсировал Альбом John Eden. Для записи Line Up были приглашены известные музыканты: клавишник DeepPurple и WhiteSnake Джон лорд (Jon Lord), барабанщик Кози Пауэл (Cozy Powel - ex Whitesnake, Rainbow), гитарист Фрэнсис Росси (Francis Rossi - ex Status Quo), гитарист Микки Муди (Micky Moody) и басист Гарри Твигг (Gary Twigg) из White Snake.
Одновременно Боннет записал песню "These eyes" для рекламы дженсов Levi's, которая так и не была выпушена.
Tracklist: 1. Night Games - Graham Bonnet, Hamilton, Ed
2. S.O.S. - Graham Bonnet, Ballard, Russ
3. I'm a Lover - Graham Bonnet, Kerr-Clemenson, Dav
4. Be My Baby - Graham Bonnet, Spector
5. That's the Way That It Is - Graham Bonnet, Bliss, Paul
6. Liar - Graham Bonnet, Ballard, Russ
7. Anthony Boy - Graham Bonnet, Berry, Chuck
8. Dirty Hand - Graham Bonnet, Young, Bob
9. Out on the Water - Graham Bonnet, Young, Bob
10. Don't Stand in the Open - Graham Bonnet, Young, Bob
11. Set Me Free - Graham Bonnet, Davies, Ray
Personnel: Cozy Powell - Drums
Micky Moody - Guitars
Gary Twigg - Bass
Jon Lord - Keyboaeds
Graham Bonnet - Vocals
Graham Bonnet Official Website Graham Bonnet on Wikipedia -----Добавлено:----- Santana - Multi-Dimensional Warrior (2008) 2 CD
FLAC | ~897+818 kbps | 69:32+71:33 min | 462+434 MB | cover | rar 3%
Genre: Latin rock, hard rock, blues-rock Multi-Dimensional Warrior - Свежая компиляция. Отличный звук диска и гитарные партии Карлоса понравиться любителям его творчества.
Tracklist Disc 1: 1. Let There Be Light
2. Brotherhood
3. Spirit
4. Right Now
5. Life is For Living
6. Saga / Right On
7. Somewhere In Heaven
8. I believe Its Time
9. Serpents And Doves
10. Your Touch
11. Ill Be Waiting
12. The River
13. Bailando / Aquatic Park
14. Praise
Tracklist Disc 2: 1. Curación (Sunlight On The Water)
2. Aqua Marine
3. Bella
4. Love Is You
5. Full Moon
6. Blues Latino
7. Samba Pa Ti
8. Europa
9. El Farol
10. En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
11. Luz, Amor U Vida
12. I Love You Much Too Much
13. Blues For Salvador
14. Victory Is Won
-----Добавлено:----- Santana - Dance Of The Rainbow Serpent (1995)
FLAC | ~706-868 kbps | 70:55+52:53+59:39 min | 466+289+392 mb | covers | rar 3 %
MP3 | ~245 kbps VBR | 140+105+113 mb | rar 3 %
Genre: Latin rock, hard rock, blues-rock Сборник величайших хитов (или антология) собран из треков студийных альбомов Карлоса Сантаны (Carlos Santana). Тем не менее, много вещей различных категории: живьем, неопубликованных, из видео треков и исполненных в альбомах других артистов, в том числе в двух вещах с Джо Ли Хукером (John Lee Hooker). Карлос беспристрастен в этом расширенном сборнике. Он не остановился в выборе только начального периода (всего семь вещей из его превосходных первых трех альбомов). Он не пропустил менее коммерчески успешный, но блестящий период середины 70-х... А период 80-90-х можно назвать ярким и творчиски богатым.
The bulk of the songs on this greatest hits or anthology (whatever you want to call it) Santana CD is composed of studio tracks from Santana albums. However, there are some in the combined category of live, unreleased, outtake, video, and appearances on albums by other artists, with a nod to John Lee Hooker on two songs. Carlos was quite even-handed on his extensive output with regard to inclusion.
It is clear he did not favor the early period too much, selecting only seven songs from his superb first three albums knowing people would want more. At the same time, he did not leave out the less-commercially-successful but brilliant jazzy period of the early- to mid-70s, except that there is nothing from Borboletta, which is my biggest disappointment, for the Mexican guitar wizard has not done many things better than "Aspirations" or "Promise of a Fisherman." As to the later stuff, a blatant omission is "She's Not There," perhaps reflecting a desire by Carlos not to put on too much pop, but it still should have been included. However, he is on target with "Europa," of course, as well as "Mudbone" from Havana Moon, "Bella" and the title cut from Blues for Salvador, and "I'll Be Waiting" from Moonflower. The bottom line is that Santana's work deteriorated after Borboletta, bouncing back briefly only with Moonflower.
Tracklist CD 1 - Heart: 01. Evil Ways (from
02. Soul Sacrifice (from Woodstock I -
Viva Santana!)
03. Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen (from
04. Oye Como Va (from
05. Samba Pa Ti (from
06. Everybody's Everything (from
Santana III)
07. Song Of The Wind (from
08. Toussaint L'Overture (from
09. In A Silent Way (from
Filmore - The Last Days)
10. Waves Within (from
11. Flame Sky (from
12. Naima (from
Love, Devotion and Surrender)
Tracklist CD 2 - Soul: 01. I Love You Much Too Much (from
02. Blues For Salvador (from
Blues For Salvador)
03. Aqua Marine (from
04. Bella (from
Blues For Salvador)
05. The River (from
06. I'll Be Waiting (from
07. Love Is You (from
08. Europa (from
09. Move On (from
Inner Secrets)
10. Somewhere In Heaven (from
11. Open Invitation (from
Inner Secrets)
Tracklist CD 3 - Spirit: 01. All I Ever Wanted (from
02. Hannibal (from
Blues For Salvador)
03. Brightest Star (from
04. Wings Of Grace (from
Secred Fire vidio)
05. Se Eni A Fe L'Amo-Kere Kere (from
Dance To The Beat Of My Drum (Olatunji))
06. Mudbone (from
Havana Moon)
07. The Healer (from
The Healer (John Lee Hooker))
08. Chill Out (Things Gonna Change) (from
Chill Out (John Lee Hooker))
09. Sweet Black Cherry Pie (from
Spirits Dancing In The Flesh (Previously Unreleased))
10. Every Now and Then (
Previously Unreleased))
11. This Is This (from
This Is This (Weather Report))
Compilation 1995 Sony Music Entertainment Inc./Manufactured by Columbia Records/550 Madison Avenue, New York, NY10022-3211/"Columbia," L and Legacy Reg. U.S.
Compilation Producer: Lawrence Cohn
Co-Produced by David Mitson
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