в лёгкую открывает более 10 000(!!!!) вкладок
А ЗАЧЕМ столько?! Бред....
в лёгкую открывает более 10 000(!!!!) вкладок
Дайте КОНКРЕТНУЮ ссылку на дистрибутив, который заведомо будет работать в WinXP на компе с 256 мегабайт ОЗУ
Чем не устраивают ссылки с офсайта?
А ЗАЧЕМ столько?! Бред....
А ЗАЧЕМ столько?!
By popular request: the new page title (when using the Pale Moon App button) will now follow the operating system default alignment (in most cases), meaning it will align left on Windows Vista and Windows 7 by default instead of center. If you want to hide the title or align it differently, please see the FAQ section on the forum.
Updated status bar code to the latest "non-australis" version and license change to MPL 2.0 to bring it in line with the rest of the browser code, making it an integral part of the source tree to streamline building (also for 3rd parties).
Changed the way Pale Moon handles file and protocol associations. This will prevent interoperability issues if you have both Firefox and Pale Moon installed on the same system. A side effect is that Pale Moon will ask you (once) to make it the default browser again when you install this update, because of the new associations to be made.
Changed the search default to DuckDuckGo.
Added DuckDuckGo logo to about:home.
Changed some things in the build system, back-end code and build configuration to improve overall performance of the browser.
Switched to the use of a more compact browser filesystem layout, improving overall start-up speed.
Precompiled script cache in the application, improving overall start-up speed at the expense of some disk space.
Added MPS detection for non-windows operating systems (NSPR fallback method) instead of always "1".
Bugfixes ported over:
bug #968461 - Fix imgStatusTracker.h to build with gcc 4.4.
bug #912322 - Make sure document.getAnonymous* is no longer available to web content.
bug #894448 - Move IsChromeOrXBL to xpcpublic.h.
Security fixes:
bug #963198 - Don't mix up byte-size and array-length.
bug #966311 - Calculate frame size for stereo wave.
bug #958867 - Consistent OwningObject handling in IDBFactory::Create methods.
bug #925747 - Patch file extraction cleanup.
bug #942152 - Fix error handling on NSS I/O layer.
bug #960145 - IonMonkey: Don't ignore OSR-like values when computing phi ranges.
bug #965982 - Clean up client threads before I/O on shutdown.
bug #950604 - Backport of a small typed array bugfix.
bug #967341 - Fix up URI management.
bug #963974 - Null mCurrentCompositeTask after calling Cancel() on it.
Release notes
24.4.1 (2014-03-19)
A small security and bugfix release.
Bugfix: the new status bar code in 24.4.0 had a bug, preventing the downloads panel/window from opening when clicking on the download status indicator. There may have been a few other, similar small usability bugs in the same code that have now been fixed.
Feature update: Selecting "Warn me when closing multiple tabs" in the Options window will now apply both to closing a window and closing other tabs in the tab bar.
Bug #940714 - Add an RAII class to make synchronous raster image decoding safer.
Bug #896268 - Use a stateless approach to synchronous image decoding. security fix
Bug #982909 - Consistently use inner window when calling OpenJS. security fix
Bug #982957 - Fix crash if certain sweeps run out of memory. security fix
Bug #982906 - Remove option for security bypass in URI building. security fix
Bug #983344 - JavaScript: Simplify typed arrays and fix GC loops. security fix
Bug #982974 - Be paranoid about neutering ArrayBuffer objects. security fix
п.с. элитные археологи с Windows XP x64 SP2
могут качать и ставить любые версии без ограничений.
Не путай людей. 15.3.2 - последняя что могут поставить на ХР 64.
Зашёл бы на сайт автора программы и там прочитал. Он пишет, что это из-за перехода на Visual Studio 2012.
Added OCSP-stapling.
Removed download status indicator from default set in status bar code to fix erroneous pop-up locations of the downloads panel.
Fixed errors with synchronous OCSP-stapled calls.
Reduced the timeout for OCSP requests to 2 seconds unless OCSP is required by the server.
Added proper handling of fragment loading (Bug #s 895557&987140). security fix
Updated status bar localizations: kn-IN and pt-PT.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, где в Pale Moon лежит стандартная тема??? Очень мне нравиться, хочу ее присоединить к Waterfox.
По данным разработчиков скорость браузера Pale Moon на 22%-25% выше Firefox,
Кто-нибудь пользуется Tab Mix Plus? На панели кнопка Закрытые вкладки, при очистке истории (всей) этот список почему-то не очищается (в FF очищается). Не помню, с какой версии поломалось, думаю - в начале линейки 23.х.
как убрать красную рамку и восклицательный знак из адресной строки при обращении к https ?
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Предыдущая тема: Как сменить LINCS TO для ссылки