ghosty Цитата: Можно ли как-то задать количество любых знаков в формуле поиска?
ctrl+f=>More=>Use wildcards -поставить галку, а дальше – ваши возможности, скопированные из хелпа:[more]
To find:
Any single character
Type ?
For example, s?t finds "sat" and "set".
Any string of characters
Type *
For example, s*d finds "sad" and "started".
The beginning of a word
Type <
For example, <(inter) finds "interesting" and "intercept", but not "splintered".
The end of a word
Type >
For example, (in)> finds "in" and "within", but not "interesting".
One of the specified characters
Type [ ]
For example, w[io]n finds "win" and "won".
Any single character in this range
Type [-]
For example, [r-t]ight finds "right" and "sight". Ranges must be in ascending order.
Any single character except the characters in the range inside the brackets
Type [!x-z]
For example, t[!a-m]ck finds "tock" and "tuck", but not "tack" or "tick".
Exactly n occurrences of the previous character or expression
Type {n}
For example, fe{2}d finds "feed" but not "fed".
At least n occurrences of the previous character or expression
Type {n,}
For example, fe{1,}d finds "fed" and "feed".
From n to m occurrences of the previous character or expression
Type {n,m}
For example, 10{1,3} finds "10", "100", and "1000".
One or more occurrences of the previous character or expression
Type @
For example, lo@t finds "lot" and "loot".
You can use parentheses to group the wildcard characters and text and to indicate the order of evaluation. For example, type <(pre)*(ed)> to find "presorted" and "prevented".
You can use the \n wildcard to search for an expression and then replace it with the rearranged expression. For example, type (Ashton) (Chris) in the Find what box and \2 \1 in the Replace with box. Word will find "Ashton Chris" and replace it with "Chris Ashton".
Search by using codes
Use codes to find and replace
On the Edit menu, click Find or Replace.
If you don't see the Special button, click More.
Enter a code in the Find What box. Do one of the following:
To choose a code from a list, click Special, click a character, and then type any additional text in the Find what box.
Type a code directly in the Find what box.
For example, type ^p to find a paragraph mark.
If you want to replace the item, enter what you want to use as a replacement in the Replace with box.
Click Find Next, Replace, or Replace All.
To cancel a search in progress, press ESC.
Codes for items you want to find and replace
As specified, some codes work only if the Use wildcards option is on or off.
Codes that work in the Find what or Replace with box
To specify:
Paragraph mark ()
Type ^p (doesnt work in the Find what box when wildcards are on) or type ^13
Tab character ()
Type ^t or type ^9
ASCII character
Type ^nnn, where nnn is the character code
ANSI character
Type ^0nnn, where 0 is zero and nnn is the character code
Em dash ( — )
Type ^+
En dash ( – )
Type ^=
Caret character
Type ^^
Manual line break ()
Type ^l or type ^11
Column break
Type ^n or type ^14
Page or section break
Type ^12 (when replacing, inserts a page break)
Manual page break
Type ^m (also finds or replaces section breaks when wildcards are on)
Nonbreaking space ()
Type ^s
Nonbreaking hyphen ()
Type ^~
Optional hyphen ()
Type ^-
Code that works in the Find what box only (when wildcards are on)
Picture or graphic (inline only)
Type ^g
Codes that work in the Find what box only (when wildcards are off)
Any character
Type ^?
Any digit
Type ^#
Any letter
Type ^$
Unicode character
Type ^Unnnn where nnnn is the character code
Picture or graphic (inline only)
Type ^1
Footnote mark
Type ^f or type ^2
Endnote mark
Type ^e
Type ^d
Opening field brace (when field codes are visible)
Type ^19
Closing field brace (when field codes are visible)
Type ^21
Type ^a or type ^5
Section break
Type ^b
Em space (Unicode)
Type ^u8195
En space (Unicode)
Type ^u8194
White space
Type ^w (any combination of regular and nonbreaking spaces, and tab characters)
Codes that work in the Replace with box only
Windows Clipboard contents
Type ^c
Contents of the Find what box
Type ^&
If you include the optional hyphen code, Word finds only text with optional hyphens in the position you specified. If you omit the optional hyphen code, Word finds all matching text, including text with optional hyphens.
If you're searching for fields, you must display field codes (field code: Placeholder text that shows where specified information from your data source will appear; the elements in a field that generate a field's result. The field code includes the field characters, field type, and instructions.). To switch between displaying field codes and field results (field results: Text or graphics inserted in a document when Microsoft Word carries out a field's instructions. When you print the document or hide field codes, the field results replace the field codes.), click the field, and press SHIFT+F9. To show or hide field codes for all fields in the document, press ALT+F9.
If you're searching for graphics, Word finds only inline graphics; Word does not find floating graphics. By default, Word inserts imported graphics as inline graphics, but you can change a floating graphic to an inline graphic.
To find a character using the Unicode value, select the Match Case check box. If you clear the Match Case check box, Word searches all instances of uppercase and lowercase characters specified by the value.