Tom91 Цитата: На сколько я понял SA_start_cyl = 155AA, тогда что такое 0x0A ?
Ну там же на "чистом английском"

написано - BOOT-адаптивы. -> видимо это смещение трека с этими самыми адаптивами, не так ли. А в таблицах есть смещения только на cert, app, overlay, vendor, cert table.
Добавлено: Цитата: советчики обьявились
Ага, сразу так много
Добавлено: E123 Видимо, это интересует...
[more]Defect List Options.
This parameter is a bit significant value that selects the following options:
Bits 31-3: not used
Bit 2: Process the Active Error Log.
This bit is only valid when the User Partition is selected. If this
bit is equal to 1, the Format Client Defect List will be written with
contents of the Active Error Log and the option to process the Client
Defect List will be enabled. If there is no Active Error Log or there
are no R/W-related entries in the Active Error Log, then this bit will
be ignored.
Bit 1: Process Primary Defect Lists.
This bit is only valid when the User Partition is selected. If this
bit is equal to 1, the the Primary Defect Lists will be used when
creating the defect list to be used by the format operation.
Bit 0: Process Grown Defect Lists.
This bit is only valid when the User Partition is selected. If this
bit is equal to 1, the the Grown Defect Lists will be used when
creating the defect list to be used by the format operation.
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 0 or 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0x00000003 (Process Grown Defect Lists,
Process Primary Defect Lists,
Do not process the Active Error Log)