после апгрейда до 8.6.2 засыпало вот таким мусором...
хотя по utils ntp status - все великолепно... два сервера, переодически переключается с одного на другой, синхрится без проблем.
At Fri Apr 06 10:20:22 MSK 2012 on node, the following SyslogSeverityMatchFound events generated:
SeverityMatch : Critical
MatchedEvent : Apr 6 10:20:05 cucm1 user 2 ntpRunningStatus.sh: The local NTP client is off by more than the acceptable threshold of 3 seconds from its remote NTP system peer. The normal remedy is for NTP Watch Dog to automatically restart NTP. However, an unusual number of automatic NTP restarts have already occurred on this node. No additional automatic NTP restarts will be done until NTP time synchronization stabilizes. This is likely due to an excessive number of VMware Virtual Machine migrations or Storage VMotions. Please consult your VMware Infrastructure Support Team.
AppID : Cisco Syslog Agent
ClusterID :
NodeID : cucm1
TimeStamp : Fri Apr 06 10:20:05 MSK 2012
гугление практически ни чего не дает , кроме
ага рута им дай
There is a bug in 8.6 causing this. So if you have checked all the other solutions, open a TAC case.
The bug details are not public yet but the BugID is CSCti14618.
TAC will use root access and run some commands to fix it. This bug is in SELinux so it only applies to 8.6.
у кого доступ есть - посмотрите что там есть по этому багу ???
хотя нашлось вот что..
NTP synch fails due to incorrect file system labelling of capture.txt, Terminated CSCtw46611 Symptom: NTP fails to synch after install/upgrade to CUCM 8.6.1
Conditions: CUCM 8.6.1 Root cause is with incorrect labelling of the capture.txt file which prevents the NTP process having access to it. Syslogs will show: ntpRunningStatus.sh: The local NTP client is off by more than the acceptable threshold of 3 seconds from NTP server and at same time setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing access to files with the label, file_t
Workaround: Set selinux to permissive mode using "utils os secure permissive". If NTP syncs correctly and alarms stop then contact TAC for a permanent workaround. selinux is a security feature. It should only be disabled for debugging purposes. Change SELinux back to enforcing using CLI command "utils os secure enforce".