из разряда бубнов и танцев на server 2012
Erorr : 0x0135003D+0x01980001
http://kb.acronis.com/content/32679 I was able to resolve the issue with the help of Manojavam Shastry in the Chat Support Team.
Ultimately, they opened up Regedit in a remote session and changed an entry in:
The Data field was blank, and they entered the IP address of the server having problems. (also the license management server in this case)
Then we went back to the License Management area and were able to apply the licenses successfully. Where the "1" was in the "Available" column before it is now a "1" in the "Used" column.
Still not sure what caused the issue to begin with, but very happy that it has been resolved. Still need to test it, but everything is looking normal again.
Manojavam indicated that they would forward details about the steps they took to the Forum team so that they could include the full report as part of this thread. The case number was 01580951, if someone on the Fourm team would like to backtrack in order to get this info in the public venue so it might do some good.
A KB article would be a thought as well.
Hopefully one or both of these things will happen.