Цитата: Если проигрывать на телике видео по сети, то чем не устраивает DLNA, в терминологии Samsung --- AllShare?
У меня винда, телик старый,
видит только расшаренные папки на компе через wi fi свисток, который воткнут в в usb вход ( и через wi fi роутер идёт на комп ), сети как таковой на нём не предусмотрено прошивкой. Телик думает, что свисток это флешка.
#loading driver for accessing Windows shares
insmod /mtd_rwarea/SamyGO/modules/cifs.ko
#creating and mounting shares from Windows server
VUSB="/dtv/usb/sda4" #this will be root directory for all shares
SERVER="" #this is server with shares
USER=user #Windows PC username which should see share's contents
PASS= #in my case password is not needed
#list of shares
#if share server is down, we do not connect shares
#if we do - it will cause shutdown problems
ping -c 1 $SERVER #pinging shares server
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then #if ping was successful
#make shares root directory
mkdir -p $VUSB
#make all shares directories and mount resources to them
while [ $i -le 20 ] #increase it if you have more than 20 shares
eval share=\$${share_name}
#exit cycle on empty variable
if [ -z $share ]; then
#make empty directory for share mounting
mkdir "$VUSB/$share"
#mount shared resource to newly created folder
mount -o user=$USER,password=$PASS -t cifs "//$SERVER/$share" "$VUSB/$share"
#evaluating next value
i=`expr $i + 1`
#showing shares through virtual USB
#don't know what happens here or is it effective way, but it works
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dtv/vusb bs=512 count=4
insmod /mtd_rwarea/SamyGO/modules/dummy_hcd.ko
sleep 2
insmod /mtd_rwarea/SamyGO/modules/g_file_storage.ko
sleep 3
#you can change "PC" below to other name if you wish. it will be presented on TV
echo -e "[sda]
Vendor : CifsMount
Product : PC
Serial : Q80VQLFH
Devpath : 8
Lun : 0
MountDir : /dtv/usb/sda4
FileSystem : vfat
" >> /dtv/usb/log
echo "Server is not reachable. Will not mount shares"
[more=network.sh]#loading driver for USB WiFI stick (in my case for Dlink DWA-140 rev. B2 ver. 1.60)
insmod /mtd_rwarea/SamyGO/modules/rt5370sta.ko
#starting and configuring network interface
ifconfig ra0 up
iwconfig ra0 mode Managed
iwconfig ra0 essid "DIR-300NRU" #you should put your SSID here
iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK #or WPAPSK for WPA-Personal
iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=AES
iwpriv ra0 set WPAPSK="000000" #you should put your secret phrase here
#obtaining IP through DHCP (DHCP must be enabled in router)
udhcpc -i ra0 -t 5 -T 5 -b[/more]