WIGF Цитата: DeH, попробуйте перевести проактивку в более щадящий режим, отключить прочие защитные программы, если они у вас есть, а возможно и полностью отключить проактивку на время обновления.
Выключил ее вовсе. Никаких других защитных программных продуктов кроме комода не стоит.
Не помогло.
Нашел на англоязычном форуме поддержки продукта следующее:
Hmm interesting, maybe cmdagent.exe is corrupt?
Please boot into safe mode, you can do this by pressing F8 repeatedly during startup before you see the Windows logo while your computer is booting.
After your system has booted up, please navigate to your Comodo Internet Security directory, it should be something like C:\Program Files\Comodo\Comodo Internet Security
You will see numerous files in this directory as well as subdirectories, please find the file that says "Cmdagent.exe" and delete it (you will need administrative privileges)
After you've successfully deleted this file, please navigate to the "repair" subdirectory. Locate the file called "Cmdagent.exe", right click it and click "copy".
Back up out of "repair" subdirectory and back into the main Comodo Internet Security directory, paste the "Cmdagent.exe" file you copied into this main directory.
Reboot and let's see what this does
Как думаете имеет ли смысл попробовать?
Добавлено: Попробовал, помогло.