По тому, что было
здесь пришёл более развёрнутый диагноз [more]Filename Result
actskin4.ocx CLEAN
The file 'actskin4.ocx' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
Autorun.inf.ini CLEAN
The file 'Autorun.inf.ini' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
New Text Document.bat CLEAN
The file 'New Text Document.bat' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
New Text Document2.bat CLEAN
The file 'New Text Document2.bat' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
The file 'OCX.bat' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
The file 'opr04SQP' has been determined to be 'FALSE POSITIVE'.In particular this means that this file is not malicious but a false alarm.Detection is removed from our virus definition file (VDF) with the version:
Filename Result
Register.bat CLEAN
The file 'Register.bat' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
remote.exe CLEAN
The file 'remote.exe' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
Serverx.exe CLEAN
The file 'Serverx.exe' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
The MessengeRE.exe MALWARE
The file 'The MessengeRE.exe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.Our analysts named the threat TR/Flood.Yahoo.A.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename Result
virus.doc CLEAN
The file 'virus.doc' has been determined to be 'CLEAN'.Our analysts did not discovered any malicious content.
Filename Result
comdlg32.ocx KNOWN CLEAN
The file 'comdlg32.ocx' has been determined to be 'KNOWN CLEAN'.In particular this means that we could not find any malicious content. Please note that the file is part of 'Windows 2000 (SP1)'. [/more]
Короче говоря, из той стопки файлов Авира признала, что только один (!!!) вирус найден не был. Будет добавлен в последующие обновления.
sereja8 Проверил. 13 из файлов вирусами не признаны [more]
13.07.2008 19:17 262 055 ad-award.exe
13.07.2008 19:24 121 771 Dr.WEB.exe
13.07.2008 19:06 142 427 ESS-NOD32 Fix 2047 Lite 1.5.exe
13.07.2008 19:02 174 562 Firefox.exe
08.06.2008 20:34 217 088 ICQ_patch.exe
13.07.2008 18:58 262 319 Patch fo Kaspersky 7.exe
09.05.2008 18:38 1 332 224 winamp 6 beta .exe
13.07.2008 19:34 122 185 Адресса абонентов Кабельного ТВ.exe
13.07.2008 19:22 127 403 Архив WinRAR.exe
13.07.2008 19:45 122 160 Декларации по продаже.exe
13.07.2008 19:08 176 790 Локальный диск (С).exe
13.07.2008 19:26 124 568 Пароли от аськи.exe
13.07.2008 19:43 123 000 Счета оплаты.exe [/more] В них, похоже, вирусы
есть. Выслал Авировцам.
Спасибо за подборку!
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