Томас сделал новый файл Default.pot
В нем он исправил некоторые термины. Учтен вывод некоторых сообщений об ошибках и добавлены новые служебные сообщения.
http://rapidshare.de/files/21085621/default.rar.html список изменений:
- "Equirectlinear" vs. "Equirectangular"
Ok, I am finally convinced... I removed this term. For now and for
ever "Equirectangular"!
- "Quicktime" vs "QuickTime"
I never noticed this. Everything should now be "QuickTime"
- Hotspot editor
Additional check for the input file. The error should not happen any
- '&' in strings
Since this seem to make problems I removed all '&' from the menu
and button entries. Please do so in your language file.
- "cubeface" vs. "cube fase"; "basename" vs. "base name",...
I split all those words (I hope I haven't overseen something) so
this will give you a lot of "fuzzy" translations.
- Serge asked:
Are there programs that output .tiff filenames i.s.o. .tif? It might be
an idea to validate the .tiff extension too.
The problem is that pano12.dll can't handle those (*.tiff & *.jpeg) 4
letter extensions correct so this would introduce other errors.
- "Quicktimecheck object found." This error should never appear in the
real world but its more a "save state" message. The message should
be different to "QT Version x.x found, you need..." and thats all,
so simply remove the first part.
- Ask for overwrite
This is a good point! I have added "Should I overwrite" messages plus
a checkbox in the settings to switch back to the old default
behavior (I am personally annoyed by such questions, so I didn't
missed it in the first place...)
Please call the "Update from POT file" with the attached file. Most of
the strings should be caught by "fuzzy" translations due the
replacements. They should be easy to fix or are correct so a click on
the ghost-icon should fix those yellow lines.
There are only a few blue (=new) lines.