Удалить площадку в таком случае можно только через запрос
связана она с каким-то модулем - запросы или покупки или еще чего.
ищешь номер своей площадки
и... https://forums.manageengine.com/topic/sdplus-7604-with-mssql-2005
Please follow the below instructions to delete the Site.You may not need to look into the Departments but just mention the Siteid where it is mentioned in the queries below.The siteid could be got from the URL on the browser when you click on the Site which you want to delete.
update Workorder set slaid=null where slaid in (select slaid from sladefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update Workorder set siteid =null where siteid in ('siteid');
update workorder set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in('siteid'));
update userdepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update resourceowner set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update resourceownerhistory set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update PurchaseCCDepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
Once the above queries are executed you may try deleting the Site.
These queries will not delete the Requests but just set the deptid and the siteid as null for all those requests associated.
связана она с каким-то модулем - запросы или покупки или еще чего.
ищешь номер своей площадки
и... https://forums.manageengine.com/topic/sdplus-7604-with-mssql-2005
Please follow the below instructions to delete the Site.You may not need to look into the Departments but just mention the Siteid where it is mentioned in the queries below.The siteid could be got from the URL on the browser when you click on the Site which you want to delete.
update Workorder set slaid=null where slaid in (select slaid from sladefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update Workorder set siteid =null where siteid in ('siteid');
update workorder set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in('siteid'));
update userdepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update resourceowner set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update resourceownerhistory set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
update PurchaseCCDepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteid'));
Once the above queries are executed you may try deleting the Site.
These queries will not delete the Requests but just set the deptid and the siteid as null for all those requests associated.