teyrfh The SDP interface time being 1 hour off might be due to the recent daylight savings changes.Please try the below instructions and let us know if helps.
1) Download the attached time.zip file and extract it under (C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk) directory.
2) Open a command prompt and navigate to the bin directory and execute the time.bat file
This should display the current server time. Check if this output displays 1 hour delay.
3) Download the latest Timezone fix (tzupdater.zip) from
http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp ( It needs registration and it is free ).
4) Extract the tzupdater.jar from the zip file and place it under the [C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\jre\bin directory]
Open a command prompt and navigate to the jre\bin directory and execute the below command
C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\jre\bin>java -jar tzupdater.jar -u -v
5) Restart the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus service.Now check if the correct time is displayed in SDP.
@echo off
..\jre\bin\java -cp ..\lib\time.jar ShowTime