Deeba С 8.122 SD выпускается только с POSTGRES и MSSQL, но по прежнему поддерживает MYSQL. Используем SD ещё с древних
версий и изначально работали с MYSQL. Сейчас тестируем 9.02 всё с тем же MYSQL. Т.е. если вы вручную не меняли БД, то она у вас MYSQL и останется.
По поводу миграции - попробуйте так (сам не пробовал - нашел на форуме):
Take a backup of servicedesk using backupdata.bat
Stop the SD application.
Run ChangeDBserver.bat from SDP-home/bin folder.
Provide new MSSQL server details in the GUI & save the settings.
Start and stop the SD application (this creates the MSSQL database)
Restore the database using restoredata.bat from the SDP-home/bin folder
Once the restore is complete, start the SD application.
Цитата: Интересно а бэкап от версии 8217 встанет на чистую 9.0 ?
Версии бэкапа и чистой SD должны совпадать.
Odarchuk Как-то тоже задался такой целью - там надо чистить и переназначать всё, что связано с данной площадкой - заявки, активы, пользователей. геморой полный. Плюнул и оставил, просто пометил как неактивные.
Добавлено: Odarchuk вот ещё что нашел по удалению площадок:
Servicedesk Plus uses MySQL as its database.
You can connect to the database through the following commands:
cmd> cd C:\AdventNet\ME\Servicedesk\mysql\bin
cmd> mysql.exe -u root -P 33366 servicedesk
If you are using mssql as the database and execute the query in the New query analyzer
Steps for deleting the unwanted sites:-
Before deleting sites we need to delete the mapped FK_constraints which have the on delete restrict state.
* Departments mapped with Workorder and Assets
* SLA under that site and mapped some workorder
update Workorder set slaid=null where slaid in (select slaid from sladefinition where siteid in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated'));
* Site mapped with the workorder
update Workorder set siteid =null where siteid in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated');
For deleting the unmapped departments :-
delete departmentdefinition from departmentdefinition left join UserDepartment on UserDepartment.deptid=departmentdefinition.deptid left join PurchaseCCDepartment on PurchaseCCDepartment.deptid=departmentdefinition.deptid left join ResourceOwner on ResourceOwner.deptid=departmentdefinition.deptid left join ResourceOwnerHistory on ResourceOwnerHistory.deptid=departmentdefinition.deptid left join WorkOrder on WorkOrder.deptid=departmentdefinition.deptid where UserDepartment.deptid is null and PurchaseCCDepartment.deptid is null and ResourceOwner.deptid is null and ResourceOwnerHistory.deptid is null and WorkOrder.deptid is null ;
To merge one department to another and delete the department.Use this for the mostly used departments and make the other departments mapping to null.
update workorder set deptid= 'TO'where deptid='FROM';
update resourceowner set deptid= 'TO'where deptid='FROM';
update resourceownerhistory set deptid= 'TO'where deptid='FROM';
update userdepartment set deptid= 'TO'where deptid='FROM';
update PurchaseCCDepartment set deptid= 'TO'where deptid='FROM';
if the user not need of the department mapped to the workorder and we no need to map the department to department
deleting few sites:-
update workorder set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated'));
update resourceowner set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated'));
update resourceownerhistory set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated'));
update userdepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated'));
update PurchaseCCDepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated'));
Retaining few sites:-
update workorder set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid not in ('siteids to retain with comma seperated'));
update resourceowner set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid not in ('siteids to retain with comma seperated'));
update resourceownerhistory set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid not in ('siteids to retain with comma seperated'));
update userdepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid not in ('siteids to retain with comma seperated'));
update PurchaseCCDepartment set deptid= null where deptid in (Select deptid from departmentdefinition where siteid not in ('siteids to retain with comma seperated'));
For Deleting sites:-
deleting few sites:-
Delete from sdorganization where org_id in ('siteids to delete with comma seperated') and org_id in (select siteid from sitedefinition);
Retaining few sites:-
Delete from sdorganization where org_id not in ('siteids to retain with comma seperated') and org_id in (select siteid from sitedefinition);